Chapter 16: Autumn Elections (Pt.4)

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(3rd Person's POV)

"We're now on day 2 of the 'Autumn Elections Main Tournament'. This day will determine the final 4 to proceed to the semi-finals! I wonder what heated battles we'll see today!" Suzuki announced, energetically.

"The 3rd match is now about to begin! Now, let's have the candidates come in! Candidate Kinokuni Nene, who passed the block B preliminaries and took 1st place" he introduced Nene as she walked in, while the audience, mainly the boys, cheered for her.

"Her opponent is candidate Isshiki Satoshi, who passed the block A preliminaries in 1st place as well!" he introduced Satoshi as he walked in with a smile. The girls were blushing and daydreaming due to his handsome appearance.

"Wow, a match between two 1st place winners...", "I wonder which one of them will win this match", "It's like a fight between two fires with no result, or something..." the students murmured to each other.

"The theme for this match will be...'Apples'! Your time limit is 2 hours!".

"LET THE COOKING BEGIN!!" Senzaemon declared.

While Satoshi and Nene began cooking as their eyes were full of focus on their cooking, you sat in the standby room, wearing your cooking attire as you waited for your match.

"Both of them won 1st place in the preliminaries, they have great cooking skills, their families' own popular restaurants, and they have better knowledge of gastronomy! I can't choose one side, but...I guess since Satoshi is my friend, and dormmate, I'll cheer for him" you mused with a frown as you stared at the TV screen worriedly.

Quite puzzling this match is. It is just like that random student said, a fight between two fires with no results. Well, unless one of the fires is stronger, and hotter.

But, whose fire is stronger?

Nene's fire was as vicious as a dragon, while Satoshi's fire can be described as...cold.

A cold fire...

But don't let that name fool you, for as Satoshi's fire is as sneaky as a snake.

Quite calm, but truth is that the snake is readying itself to charge and bite at the neck of the dragon and spread the poison into the dragon's body!

Perhaps behind his sweet smile, there's a side about Satoshi that you'll probably never see...



"I'm done!" Satoshi said, as he served his dish to the judges. Their eyes widened in shock as they stared at his rather simple dish.

"'Daifuku'??!" one of the judges asked in disbelief. "This is a very plain dish, I was kind of expecting something exceptional" another judge stated, boredly.

"No, there must be something extraordinary inside these 'Daifuku'. Look at this one" the third judge pointed at one of the 'Daifuku' that seemed to be covered with crumbles. Which caught the judges' eyes and filled them with curiosity.

It was like they got hypnotized by its appearance, whispering to them 'eat me' which made them shudder, and their mouths water.

"I suggest that you leave the best for last, gentlemen" Satoshi recommended, politely. Which made the judges snap back to reality. "L-Let's start eating, then" a judge stammered, and they took one of the plain-looking 'Daifuku' and took a bite.



"This 'Daifuku' is stuffed with 'Apple Pie'! American 'Apple Pie'!!" one judge remarked, happily.

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