Chapter 30: That's Some Fishy Party!

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was late at night, and almost everyone was passed out in Marui's room except for Soma and Satoshi.

"Wel...Tonight was really fun. Again, you're very welcome here, Soma-Kun" Satoshi whispered, smiling. "Ah, thanks!" Soma smiled back, still a little tipsy from the rice juice.

"Oh my...We're all out of food. I have some filleted Spanish mackerel. I'll go make something" Satoshi got up, wiggling his butt in the process.

"You're gonna cook dressed like that, huh?" Soma sweat dropped as he stared at the older dormmate.

After a few minutes, Satoshi returned with a plate of mackerel and served it to the red head. "Okay, all done. Dig in. It's 'Spanish Mackerel with Chinese Pepper & Puree'".

 It's 'Spanish Mackerel with Chinese Pepper & Puree'"

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Soma giggled as he grinned, holding his chopsticks. "Thanks for the food!" he said, loudly as he took a bite of the fish. While Satoshi smirked, staring at the little kohai.


"It's heavenly!!" Soma mentally commented.

"This dish maximizes the seasonal ingredients of spring! How could he put together such a delicate dish in so little time?! He's head and shoulders above all the other students in the dorm! And he's just a second year! Is that already enough to make something like this?!" the red head stared at the magnificent dish his Senpai made.

A sense of excitement and sinisterism grew on Satoshi's naked body as a dark aura formed around him, so thick that one could cut through it with a knife.

"By the way, Soma..." he called, smirking as the red head paid attention to him. "I heard you said some pretty interesting things at the opening ceremony. Gunning for number one at Totsuki may not be as easy as you think. Allow me to re-introduce myself..." Satoshi took off his headband.

"I'm one of the Totsuki elite ten...The 7th seat...Isshiki Satoshi" his cyan-coloured eyes pierced through the red head like a pair of knives, purposely underestimating him.

Isshiki Satoshi" his cyan-coloured eyes pierced through the red head like a pair of knives, purposely underestimating him

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