Chapter 46: Home Invasion

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up the next morning, still feeling a bit tired but better than yesterday. I got up from my bed, changed my clothes, and brushed my hair, tying it in a ponytail, then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I finished, I went down the stairs, but quickly stopped when I noticed everyone gathered around, and Yuki-Chan was holding a piece of paper.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, still standing on the staircase. Everyone looked at me with eyes full of concern, which soon enough affected me as well. Walking down the stairs, I approached them, and Yuki-Chan handed me the paper and I read it.

And my eyes went wide.


I am going to challenge Eizan-Senpai to a Shokugeki. There's curry in the fridge for everyone, so heat it up in the microwave.

Signed, Yukihira Soma.


"WHAT IS HE THINKING?!" I shrieked.

"He went alone so that he can keep us out of it?" Ibusaki-Kun asked. "What the hell?! We're all part of the 'Polar Star' dormitory, aren't we?! How could he just go off by himself??" Yuki-Chan stated, upsettingly.

I groaned as I rubbed my forehead, suddenly Erina's secretary burst through the door.

"Erina-Sama! Turn on the TV! Switch to the campus channel!" she shouted, I quickly grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"There's a live broadcast" I said, staring intently at the screen with everyone else.

"I repeat, i-it's going to happen! A Shokugeki is going to happen! It appears Eizan Etsuya has accepted the challenge. It's said the match will being presently" the girl on the screen announced, nervously.

"What are we going to do?!" Sato-Kun asked, worriedly. I noticed them all look at me since I'm the only Senpai they would ask for guidance, Satoshi is nowhere to be seen, he hasn't been around lately.

I took a deep breath, and calmly sat on the couch without sparing them a glance.

"We wait".

My answer seemed to have caught them off guard as small gasps escaped their mouths, and Yuki-Chan tried to protest.

"W-Wait, what do you mean?! We can't just sit here while Yukihira is out there alone!".

"Soma decided to go on this battle on his own, if we went with him, we'll just get in the way. And Shokugekis with Eizan are never easy" I began explaining.

"W-What do you mean?" Sakaki-Kun asked, anxiously.

"He uses dirty tactics. Satoshi told me all about him last year, Eizan bribes the judges with money so he can win. In this Shokugeki, he's without a doubt going to bribe the judges just like he did when 'Skewers RS' went against him. And if I knew him better, he might send his thugs to our dormitory and force us out, because he knows that he's going to win" my brows furrowed as I angrily glared at the TV screen with crossed arms.

"T-Then, if Eizan-Senpai bribes the judges, Soma-Kun is going to lose?!" Megumi-Chan asked. "Bullshit!", "That's totally unfair!" Sato-Kun and Aoki-Kun hissed.

"Don't worry, Soma is going to win" I stated, calmly. I felt their eyes on me as I continued. "I've seen how Soma won every Shokugeki until he won the 'Autumn Elections', he even defeated the 8th seat in sales on the 'Moon Festival'. Despite the strategies Eizan is going to use, I have hope that Soma is going to win for us." I finished, cracking a small smile.

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