Chapter 37: The Ten Gods

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was the time for the meet-and-greet convention between the top ten students and the 8 winners of the 'Autumn Elections' as they all sat across from each other. Yet no words have been said. Despite the beautiful weather of today, the air among them was so thick that one could stab it with a kitchen knife.

Kuga was the only one still standing as his wine-coloured eyes scanned the first-years, minus Erina, before sitting down and breaking the intense silence.

"Hey, let's wrap this up. And how about we cancel this nonsense next year?" his playful question caught the full attention of most of the 8 students.

"Don't you think this is too boring and meaningless? What do you thin, cutie?" Kuga then looked at the weakest person among the 8 students, Megumi

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"Don't you think this is too boring and meaningless? What do you thin, cutie?" Kuga then looked at the weakest person among the 8 students, Megumi. His attention to the bluenette caused her to tremble and stutter as she struggled to come up with an answer that satisfies the Senpai in front of her without pissing him off and getting her expelled.

"This is directive from school, and we can't just cancel it like that. We don't have such authority" Nene stated. "I wasn't asking this cutie about this, I'm talking to youngsters right now" Kuga grinned.

 "I wasn't asking this cutie about this, I'm talking to youngsters right now" Kuga grinned

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"You are always so noisy" Nene spat, calmly as she fixed her glasses. "You're fussing over nothing! Such a goody two shoes!" Kuga mocked.

"Die!" Nene glared daggers at the multi-coloured haired boy. "Too bad! I didn't die at all!" he retorted, still has the smug smile on his face.

"Same as always, a dumbass who only knows how to bark" Eizan spoke, and Kuga looked at him with a bored expression. "Good thing that Senzaemon gave us unlimited budget. Be at least a little considerate to old man".

"HA! Eizan, all you think about is the money, how boring! Hurry up and get out of Totsuki! On the count of; 3, 2, 1!" Kuga cackled.

"Shut up, midget" Eizan cut him off, smirking.

"Shut up, midget" Eizan cut him off, smirking

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