Chapter 50: Deceitful Moon's True Face

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(3rd Person's POV)

Night had come, and everyone was passed out in their rooms after partying in Marui's room. You were in your room, waiting for the time to come as seconds went by and it felt like an eternity.

"It's time..." you mused after taking your phone and looking at the clock.


Tip-toeing your way down the dark halls of the dormitory, to the front door, and snuck out. The weather was rather cold since it was winter now, your body shivered a little before you hurried away from the dormitory and made your way to where you told Kuga to wait for you at. Tonight, the sky was clear and there was no sight of a rainy cloud as the moon was full, bright, and clear. The night cricket sounds were everywhere as their soothing voice comforted you on your way to the middle of the forest. After a while of walking, you finally arrived where you want to be, and there he was. Kuga was standing a few feet away, staring at the sky with a smile on his face, his hair was flowing in sync with the air, and he wore a jacket and a simple scarf to keep himself warm.

"Hi, Terunori!" you said, forcing a smile as you earned the boy's attention, his face brightened up as he looked at you.

"Tsuki-Chin!" he grinned.

"Oh no..." this made your heart ache even more. Kuga looked back at the sky, "The moon looks beautiful tonight". You stayed silent as you looked up as well.

"It's not afraid to show its true self, that's why I love it" he said.

"Well, it could be afraid! I mean, there are some nights where the moon is just...a half-moon!" you stated, restlessly. The multi-color haired boy looked at you with a confused face, "What could the moon be afraid of?".

"I don't know. Maybe's lying to someone?" you answered, unsure. Kuga furrowed his brows as he stared at you, this answer sounded odd.

"Lying to someone? Why would you think that?" he asked her, staring at her as he waited for an answer.


"Because she's the one who's lying to you!" a voice suddenly said, you and Kuga turned your heads to see Luna with a smirk on her face.

"Luna?!" Kuga asked with wide eyes, as Luna approached the two.

"You just can't keep your filthy hands off my fiancée, can you?" the girl glared at you with crossed arms.

"What are you talking about, Luna?! There's nothing going on between me and Tsuki-Chin, she's one of my team!" Kuga hissed, glaring at his fiancée.

"Oh, there is something going on between you two! More than you think!" Luna spat, angrily.

"What-..." Kuga tried to ask, but suddenly heard you yelp. His gaze quickly shifted to see you being held by Luna's butler, his grip on your arms were tight and painful. Kuga's eye widened and became full of rage.


"No until I show you her true face. Kazuki?" Luna looked at her butler, who understood what to do.

Grabbing the platinum-blonde hair, Kuga let out a gasp as his wine orbs were wide and full of shock. In front of him, the butler held a wig in his hand, revealing brown hair that dropped to her waist.

"The eyes are contact lenses, the real ones are a mixture of brown and purple" Kazuki informed, he then took out the pictures from his pocket and showed them to the former 8th seat. They were photos of you taking off your wig and lenses at the 'Polar Star' dormitory.

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