Chapter 29: Long Time Friends

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(Soma's POV)

"Damn...what's with this school?! IT'S RIDICULOUSLY HUGE!!" I mentally screamed as I walked down the road, trying to reach my designated dormitory while holding my bucket and a squid in my mouth.

"When am I gonna reach 'Polar Star' dormitory? The sun's about to set" I thought, tiredly.

I'm so tired...

To top it off, I'm freezing!

I'm so hungry that the squid's not cutting it anymore...

I looked around as I kept walking to see different kinds of buildings. "Still...there's a bunch of important-looking buildings everywhere. Some, I have no idea what they're for, but...I guess this is a rich school. I bet their facilities are all top-notch" I pondered, sweating already from all the walking even though that I'm freezing.

Then I realized something, "Oh, maybe the dorm's pretty swanky, too. Maybe I can have high expectations". I grinned at the thought.

Maybe all that walking will be worth it.

I can already imagine it...

A big, fancy building...

A green garden with flowers and a big-ass fountain at center...

A bedroom that's spacious, and the bed is all comfy...

And I'll bet that the kitchen will have everything I'll need to cook anything I want!

"I can't wait for it already!" I mused, crying joyfully.

After a while of walking, I was completely shocked as I stopped in front of a...crooked building that looked more like an abandoned place. Fucking crows were squawking and flying around it, and plants were overgrown on the building itself, might as well be devoured by nature.

The 'Polar Star' dormitory...




(Y/N's POV)

I was on the first floor with Satoshi, just chatting in a small living room when we heard someone from the mic that didn't sound familiar.

"Hello? Anybody here??" the voice asked, it sounded like a male's voice. I raised my brow as I looked at Satoshi.

"Who's that?" I asked. "I don't know, probably someone new" he answered, merely shrugging. "I'll go check" I said, getting up and wore my slippers.

"Then, I guess I'll go back to my room now. We're going to gather in Marui-Kun's room later" Satoshi informed, then jumped on the couch to get to the ceiling, and crawl in it.

"Hahaha, the poor boy can't get a night's rest. And please, try not to scare anyone with your creepy ceiling crawling!" I chuckled before leaving the room.

When suddenly, I started coughing and quickly covered my nose as smoke was swarming in the hallway. Then, I heard something seriously break which made the building shake a little. I was on full alarm!

"W-What's this?! Is there a fire?!" I yelled, running down the hallway. "GUYS!!" I shouted.

Then suddenly, I heard A LOT of footsteps running from behind me. I quickly looked and saw a...freaking herd of animals running towards me! Their red eyes were glowing in the dark which scared the dough out of me!

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and ran down the hallway until I reached the entrance.


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