Chapter 48: A Game of Survival

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(3rd Person's POV)

Several days later...

"Isshiki-Satoshi, 7th seat of the elite ten. Today, you will step down from the Totsuki elite ten council, along with the 3rd seat, Megishima Tosuke, and the 8th seat, Kuga Terunori" Azami announced to Satoshi, who was standing in front of his desk.

"This happened faster than I thought it would" Satoshi stated with a serious expression.

"You are calmer than I thought you'd be" Azami retorted with a devious smile.

"I was more than expecting it. Someone who does not ascribe to 'Central's' teachings, like me, in the elite ten would only be a hindrance, wouldn't it?" Satoshi clarified.

"It's helpful that you require little explanation. The other elite ten members are in agreement, as well. Well, Kobayashi Rindou was the lone protest" Azami said.

"You aren't forcing Nakiri Erina, your daughter, to step down?" Satoshi asked. "She will eventually return to my side. I am certain that she will join me in my cause. Well, thanks to you, we're going to be very busy" Azami replied, the evil smile was stuck on his pale face.

"With Shokugeki?" the brown-haired boy glared at him.

"That's right" Azami confirmed. "You worked behind the scenes, reaching out to relevant parties to lay the groundwork for these new rules we must now follow. We must allow organizations who wish to overturn our closure directive to face my pride and joy, the soldiers of 'Central'" Azami finished.


Meanwhile, at the 'Polar Star' dormitory...

"Hunting survivors?" Soma asked. Everyone was gathered in the living room, except for Satoshi and Fumio-San, once they heard about what's going on in the academy.

"That's what 'Central' is calling Shokugeki matches with organizations that want to survive. The first set's happening today" Marui explained, holding up his glasses.

"They're not even trying to sugarcoat it, huh" Soma remarked. "Students from 'Central' will be participating in the matches. The pro-Azami elite ten will be a given, and the rest are high performers who could be called the elite ten's reserves" Marui added.

"The elite ten's reserve troops, huh?" Soma's expression hardened. "I want to check them out".

"Huh?!!" everyone stared at him with fear-filled faces. "You'd better not be thinking of doing something again!" Yuki exclaimed. "No more doing things on your own!" Ryoko complained.

"You know, I just hope they won't play dirty games when those Shokugekis happen. Though they had forbidden Eizan's Shokugeki matches manipulation, I still don't trust them. If Azami wants to fulfill his purpose with the whole 'revolution' thing, he probably won't stop at nothing to get rid of those who stand in the way of excellent gourmet" you stated with crossed arms.

"I-I'm sure they wouldn't do anything. Right?" Shoji looked at Daigo, anxiously. "Yeah, we'll show them hell if they tried anything!" Daigo said, angrily.

"Yukihira, if you're going to watch the Shokugeki, I'll go with you. I'd be too worried if I let you go by yourself!" Takumi said, smiling.

"Please, someone needs to keep an eye on him!" you smirked. "I guess it'll be fine if Takumi-Chi goes with him" Yuki stated with a playful face. "I mean, he's basically always at the dorm" Ryoko remarked with crossed arms.

"I-I want to go, too! I'm sure the 'Regional Cuisine RS' will also be having a Shokugeki" Megumi said with a determined face. "True. My 'Miyazato Research Group' will be fighting the same foe. Watching the matches wouldn't be a waste of time" Marui agreed.

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