Chapter 10: First Shokugeki

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Now then, let us begin the final program of this camp" chef Dojima spoke. "We will have all of you enjoy a full-course meal prepared by the alumni".

"YEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!" the students cried with overjoy.

The training camp ended successfully with you and Satoshi passing every brutal test, and so did Kuga, Eizan, and Nene as well. So, now it's time to celebrate.

"WOW, IT'S SO DELICIOUS!!" you yelled with a full mouth. Kuga scoffed, "ever heard of table manners? Stop talking with your mouth full, you're being a total pig".

"Yes, yes, your highness..." you said as your words dripped with sarcasm and continued eating, ignoring Kuga's snarky remarks.

"Here, (Y/N), open up" Satoshi lifted up his fork for you to try his dish, making you look at him from your plate. "You have to try it, it's really good" the brown-haired boy stated with a smile.

Your eyes sparkled as you stared in awe and blushed, "t-then...thank you for the food!". Taking the bite from his fork, you squealed of how yummy the food was.

Kuga glared at the both of you and had a disgusted look on his face, clenching on his fork tightly without realizing. He groaned and continued eating.

"Tch, ridiculous..." he mused.



"Students should gather their belongings and board their designated buses. Please return your room keys to the front desk. Please check your surroundings to avoid leaving anything behind" the voice spoke through the mic to inform the students who are about to leave the resort.

You made sure you packed all your stuff and didn't leave anything behind before leaving your room and headed to the front desk and gave them your room key.

"You know, I feel really relieved that we made it through this camp" you remarked, smiling. "Yeah, you're right. But that doesn't mean we rest easy now, we still have a long way to go in our journey" Satoshi stated as he gazed at the students who are boarding their buses. You gazed around as well, and sighed.

"That's right. And I thought this camp was bad...but this was just the beginning" you thought, staring at Kuga who got into one of the buses.

"Oh, Isshiki-Kun!" you suddenly heard someone call, you turned your head and your eyes widened as you saw chef Dojima approach.

"Ah, chef Dojima" Satoshi smiled, chef Dojima then looked down at you. "You two did a great job. Though this camp doesn't just train the students, but also serves as a potential recruiting ground to offer positions students can consider after graduation" chef Dojima said.

You raised a brow, "recruiting??".

"The alumni close their restaurants, or let their sous chefs take charge, so that they can come here. That's partly because they can recruit future staff. It's not so easy to find promising chefs" chef Dojima's right-hand chef stated.

"Wow, I had no idea Totsuki had a second purpose" you exclaimed with delight. "Isshiki-Kun, Mochiduki-Kun, you would shine here at Totsuki resort. You two are welcome to join us at any time" he said, smiling gently.

Your eyes sparkled as you already got an amazing opportunity offered to you. "I appreciate the offer, but I have our family's diner to run after I graduate" Satoshi politely declined, making you look at him.

"O-Oh, yeah, me too. I will be helping our family's restaurant after graduation as well. But thank you for the offer" you added, then bowed.

After hurrying to the buses, you and Satoshi put your luggage into the bus and got in together. In a few minutes after making sure all students had boarded up, the buses departed from the resort to return to the academy.

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