Chapter 63: Morning Shokugeki

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(3rd Person's POV)

"The theme for this Shokugeki will be 'Fish', you can prepare any dish you want so long as you stick to the theme. You have 2 hours. You remember what I said last night, right?" Hiroshi explained with crossed arms as he and Kuga stood in front of each other in the diner's kitchen in their chef attires. While you and your mother were sitting at the counter, worriedly watching them.

"Yes" Kuga answered.

"Then, I'll set the timer now. Please go to your counters" you said as you adjusted the timer, and Kuga and your father prepared themselves.

"Okay, now...begin!".

The two chefs began their cooking with impressive speed, Kuga started frying the spices; dried chilis, and the Sichuan pepper in a wok in oil over a low heat. While Hiroshi began boiling water in a large pot and added the ingredients to let them boil. The aroma of Kuga's spices hit yours and your mother's noses.

"Ahh, the fragrance of the spices is intense!" Hana remarked as she felt her mouth water, you nodded as you gulped nervously.

Hiroshi smirked as he watched the current 3rd seat cook, "Not bad...".



"I'm done. Here's 'Broiled Swordfish A La Nicoise', enjoy it" Hiroshi was the first one to serve his dish.

"A French dish!" you smiled excitedly. "The aroma is alluring, and the fish looks mouthwatering!" Hana commented.

"Let's try it then" you said, as you and your mother took a bite of the delicious fish.


"So tender...", "Juicy...".

"The flavor of the fish and spices move in sync in my mouth, it's like they're doing a dance together!" you mused, joyfully.

"After simmering the barley for 30 minutes until it became tender, I added haricots and boiled it for 5 minutes until it became tender. After that, I drained the water and placed the mixture in a large bowl and mixed it with tomatoes, olives, onion, oil, lemon juice, thyme, and lemon peel" Hiroshi explained.

"Dad divided the fish between two rimmed baking sheets, and then added peppers in the oil mixture which he also divided in baking sheets. Then drizzled the remaining oil over the fish and peppers, and sprinkled salt and pepper" you exclaimed.

"Correct. And then I broiled the fish until it's opaque in center and the peppers began to darken for about 2 minutes" Hiroshi finished, smiling.

"Honey, this is absolutely delicious!" Hana beamed. Then, the trio heard footsteps approaching them, their eyes looked towards the multi-color haired boy who had prepared his dish. Your eyes widened as you looked at his plate.

"Alright, it's done. I give you my 'Sichuan Boiled Fish'! Enjoy it while it's hot!" Kuga served his dish proudly.

"Wow..." you and Hana stared in awe, both drooling at the breathtaking spicy dish.

"L-Let's try it" Hana said, gulping nervously, and you nodded. A sinister smirk crawled on Kuga's lips as the both of you took a bite of his food.


"IT'S SPICY!!" you and Hana screamed.

"It's tender, pungent, and I can't stop eating it! It's addictive!" Hana thought as she kept taking one bite after the other, her face was sweaty and red.

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