Chapter 19: Hello, Partner!

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(Satoshi' POV)

Me, (Y/N), and Fumio-San left the arena building to return to the 'Polar Star' dormitory. As we've all seen in the last episode, Kuga-Kun won.

But, she doesn't seem upset at all. Instead, she looks relieved, a sweet smile was stuck on her face as she walked next to me.

"Let's go back and celebrate!" I spoke, excitedly stretching my arms. (Y/N) chuckled, "celebrate what? I lost".

"Even so, you still managed to reach the finals!" I stated, smiling at her. (Y/N)'s smile soon faded as she was deep in her thoughts.

I can tell what she's thinking about...

*Mini Flashback*

"The chef as an individual?" she asked.

"That's right, Mochiduki-Kun. A dish brimming with true originality allows you to picture the chef in your mind just by tasting the dish" Leonora-dono replied to her.

"Put differently, it's a dish with such originality that only that specific chef could've created it. We call such a dish 'The Chef Specialty', as a sign of respect" Dojima-Senpai stated.

*End of Mini Flashback*


(Y/N's POV)

"A dish's true originality, huh..." I mused. Come to think of it, most of the dishes I cooked were from the menu of our family's diner. It was rare that I tried to come up with my own dish.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm lost in such a big culinary world.

I have no identity...

"You're thinking about what the judges said, right?" Satoshi asked, cutting off my thoughts as I looked up at him.

"Er...kind of" I said, sighing. "It's does a chef know who they really are? Where do I start? It's so complicated".

"I know this may feel frustrating, but to know who you really are, you must step outside the world you know. Even if that means facing the one who got the better of you" he said.

I stared into his beautiful, cyan-coloured orbs as a blush and a fluttery heart made me freeze in my place. He placed his cold hand on my cheek, which made my heart almost jump out of my chest and run away screaming.

"Whatever happens, I'll always support you! That's what friends are for" he smiled ever so sweetly.

My mouth was opened wide as I stared at him, I almost let my saliva drip and bit my lower lip lightly.

"Hey you, love birds! Hurry up before I ditch you!" Fumio-San suddenly screamed from afar, Satoshi retreated his hand from my cheek and continued walking.

Quickly shaking my head, I jogged behind them as I didn't want to be left alone in the academy's forest at night! It's too creepy!


A few days later...

It's been quiet days since the 'Autumn Elections'. But it's so nice! I could use some time to relax before the second storm comes.

In the meantime, I'll be taking care of the 'Polar Star' farm with Satoshi and Fumio-San.

But I couldn't help but ask, "hey, I've been hearing the other students talk about this...sati-air thing? What's that?".

"It's already here, huh. Time surely flies quickly" Satoshi said as he was planting seeds.

"It's called 'Stagiaire', a French word meaning 'intern'. It's a program to send high school first-years to various businesses in the food industry. They can be high-end restaurants, food manufacturers, or even public organizations. They cover a wide range. It's an official part of the curriculum to give students practical experiences" Fumio-San explained.

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