Chapter Six

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It'd been three days since Skye had named Bentley as her rapist, and the girls were feeling the heat all across campus. It was so bad that to try and protect her from some of the backlash, Kaila and Lennox were walking Skye to and from her classes. But thanks to Brittany doing her best to make sure the assault was first rate news, Skye was getting every kind of hate you could imagine. Jay had been tackling Bentley's lawyers as best as he could, doing everything to prove the kid guilty. They could charge him drug possession, that wasn't the problem. Claiming rape at a sorority party full of drunk students, most of whom were hooking up anyway? It was proving a little difficult. Not to mention Skye had been dosed with a drug that famously screwed with a person's memory, so her story wasn't exactly solid in the eyes of the law. If he couldn't get rape, Jay planned to push for assault at least, which he wouldn't have problem proving after Lennox took Bentley's ring. Skye's blood was all over it, and after gathering multiple statements that all said Bentley never took his ring off, it proved that Bentley was the one who hit Skye even if he wouldn't admit to the rape. He'd even made the kid an offer to sweeten the deal - five to ten years in exchange for a full confession and full co-operation regarding where he got the drugs. But it wasn't until day four that Bentley became tired of all the questions and gave himself up.

'It was just supposed to be a joke!' He'd admitted. 'Brittany said she wanted to screw with her, so I had to take her upstairs, mess around a little, but I didn't drug her, she was already half way gone. Brittany said she'd handle the drugs, all I had to do was have some fun. I had too much fun okay? I'm sorry. Just please don't let Lennox near me again man, that chick is crazy.'

Case closed. Not only did Jay have a full confession, he also had Brittany on possession and distribution of a dangerous substance. He took Rawson with him to campus and sent him to pick up Brittany while Jay went to find Lennox, Skye, and Kaila, and after gathering the three girls out of their classes the four of them went to sit at one of the benches on the grounds where it was quiet.

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