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Jay watched Evelyn walk out of the room, slamming the door behind her as she went. As it closed, the ropes around his wrists and ankles loosened. Staring at them for only a moment, he stood up, shaking them off and going over to the door. It was locked and so were the windows, but that didn't stop him from beating himself up to try and get at least the door open. After a few hours it was well into nightfall, and Jay had thrown himself about until he was too injured to stand, so as he lay passed out by the bedroom door Ekaterina had listened, waiting for him to exhaust himself before going to check on him. He was covered in bruises and in immense pain due to a dislocated shoulder caused by his own hand, on top of bleeding from both fists. She waved a sympathetic hand over him, watching his bruises slowly begin to heal as she flicked through each of his memories. Unlike previous lifetimes, his mind seemed absent of the visions that would draw the two of them together. In her place, his most important memories began and ended with the recurrence.

As morning rolled around, Ekaterina stood on the porch of the manor, admiring the sunrise she used to be so fond of as a child. The world was very different to the way she remembered it, but even if the world had changed, the sight of the first morning light never would. Evelyn came to join her after resting, awoken by the morning sun rays flooding through the house. 

"Is everything alright your grace?" She asked. 

Ekaterina sighed as she pondered the question. She used her magic to cause the sudden burst of a rose bud into life, but its velvety red petals quickly darkened and shriveled as they began to fall to the ground. 

"He looks like my Drew. He smells like my Drew. He even tastes like my Drew. But he's not my Drew." She turned to Evelyn, looking her up and down before facing the black rose stem. "His heart beats for the recurrence." 

She plucked a thorn, holding it between her fingers and watching it shatter like glass under the pressure of her touch. 

"Give it time priestess. He was made for you, he will be yours even if you have to command it." 

"No. This is different. I have memories of all my lifetimes, and in all of them Drew and I have found each other, tragically perishing at the hands of that forsaken curse. But in every lifetime there was never any doubt of our love for each other, there are visions of past lives that don't make sense until we find each other. I've seen his memories, and he loves only your daughter." 

"I don't understand. There must be some kind of mistake." 

"There is no mistake. Your daughter had these visions, of my life, of many of my past lives before she existed, but there is no evidence of him ever desiring anyone but her. He doesn't love me, it doesn't seem as though he can." 

"Is that even possible. The curse, I thought-" 

"Yes, it is not supposed to be possible. Especially since his relationship and love for her was consummated recently, was it not?" 

Evelyn's head dropped as Ekaterina glanced at her with an eyebrow raised. "We did everything we could to prevent it, your grace." 

"I'm aware of the lengths you went to. The ancestors' memories have given me sufficient detail. But she was stronger than you anticipated. I'm not convinced that the recurrence and her lover would have died as they were supposed to had the ritual not taken place. Something is very different here. Detective Jason has a hatred in his eyes when he looks at me that I haven't seen before." 

"It won't be a problem. With your strength priestess I'm sure he could be...persuaded." 

"I'm grateful for your faith in my abilities Evelyn. But love cannot be forced upon those who do not wish for it." 

"He just needs a day or so to grieve. You bear the face of the woman he loved, it won't be an easy transition for a human. He was made for you, an object of the curse bestowed upon you. Everything will work out in time." 

"Yes. I'm sure you are right. We have much to do today." 

"We're busy?" 

"Lets just say I'm still a touch underfed. I'm sure you can help me satisfy my appetite." 

"Of course, priestess." 

Evelyn respectfully bowed her head before returning to the manor, the gentle smile fading from Ekaterina's face as she looked out at the sunrise.

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