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"But she's gonna be okay?" "She's already okay, we're just waiting for her to wake up. All these years, part of me never wanted to believe that any of this was real. But when they told me where they found them, what they found? I just can't believe she's alive."

Lennox recognised the sound of her father's voice as she awoke. The room was quiet and clean, with white walls that she identified as hospital walls, and after looking around she saw her father, Skye, and Caleb talking by the doorway. Her memories flooded back, overwhelming her with emotion as she replayed Jay's death over and over again in her head. 

"Oh, she's awake." She heard Skye say. 

The three of them entered the room, and Lennox embraced the hug she received from Skye after sitting herself up in the bed. "It's so good to see you. We thought you were gone, it's been weeks." 

"I know, I'm sorry." 

"What happened Len? And please tell us Ekaterina is gone, she nearly destroyed the entire town." Caleb recalled. 

"She's gone. It's over, for good this time." Her two friends sighed with relief as she stood up, promptly hugging her father. 

"You're here." "Of course I'm here. Lennox I'm so sorry. I should've believed you, I should've done more." 

"No, there was nothing you could've done dad, you were safe out of town, I'm glad you're okay."

"But we don't know how you are. What happened out there?" 

"A story for another day. Have you spoken to Will yet?" 

"Yes, he was so worried when you were brought in." 

"I need to see him. Apologize. I'm the reason Jay is dead, I have to talk to him." They all stared at her as she sighed. 

"Jay's dead?" Skye repeated slowly. 

"He looks pretty good for a dead guy." Caleb remarked, Skye elbowing him disapprovingly as Lennox frowned. 

"What are you guys talking about? Jay is dead, he was stabbed through the heart, I saw it." 

"Oh my God, that's awful." 

"Honey are you sure it's over? Because Jay's alive." Her father explained briefly. 

Lennox stared, eyes wide at her father. He took her out of the hospital room and she followed him into the waiting room where Sergeant Casey and the other members of Jay's team were standing. There, sat in front of them against the wall was Jay, alive and well, who stood up when he saw Lennox through the crowd of his friends. 


"Jay," She maneuvered her way through hospital staff, heading straight into his arms and letting her body mold into his. "I thought you were gone," 

"I know." 

"How are you here?" 

"You. You brought me back Lennox, it must've been you." The two held each other close as Lennox pondered the thought. 

Could she really have been powerful enough to bring Jay back to life? The thought lasted a few moments before she closed her eyes, a tear running down her cheek as she soaked in his presence. Almost prematurely enough to hurt, Jay cut short their embrace, pulling back to take in the sight of her. 

"It is really you, isn't it? My mind isn't playing tricks on me? I can't take anymore Lennox, just promise me it's really you." 

"It's me Jay, I promise. She's gone, all of it is gone, it's over." 

That was all the proof he needed. He didn't hesitate in kissing her, gently running his thumb over the newly faded scars on her cheek. 

"I love you. It's just us now. No curses, no legends, just you and me. We can start over." 

He leant his forehead against hers as she smiled at the thought of a new beginning.

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