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"I can't believe it's really gone." Skye said sadly, looking around at where the manor used to sit in the field. 

Lennox, Jay, Skye, and Caleb had returned to Evergreen forest at sunrise just a few days later, to ensure that what had happened was real, and not part of their imaginations. They were relieved to see the burn marks where the manor once stood, leaving the field empty and peaceful. 

"So what happens now?" Caleb asked. 

"We live our lives. Everyone is safe now, Lennox made sure of that. We try and pretend to have normal lives." Jay suggested. 

Lennox couldn't help but smile. "Who knows? Maybe we can finally finish college." 

She looked between Skye and Caleb, who laughed as they began walking through the field to find a good place to watch the sunrise. They settled on the ridgetop which had the perfect view of the autumn sun, the two couples sitting in silence as they watched each row of trees begin to glisten in the light. 

Lennox laid comfortably against Jay's chest, listening to his heartbeat as she gently ran her fingers up his side. She closed her eyes, able to visualise his body as her fingertips passed each rib through his shirt. To her surprise, an image of his ribcage flashed in her mind; it was engraved, not with magic from the priestess, but with protection sigils from a magic of her own kind that were surrounding his heart. Lennox smiled to herself as Jay laced his fingers through hers and kissed the back of her hand, both of them watching the sun as it adorned the field with the light of a new dawn.

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