Chapter 7: Catching Equalist's

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

Tonight Korra and I are about to leave Air Temple Island to go to our first meeting with Tarrlok's Taskforce.

I can see that she's nervous about this.

Y/N: Korra, are you okay?

Korra: Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm okay. Just a little nervous about this.

I smile.

Y/N: Don't worry, we got this. I may not trust Tarrlok that much, but this might be the best way to take down Amon.

Korra: Yeah, maybe you're right.

Y/N: Of course I am. When am I ever wrong?

She laughs.

Korra: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah. You're never wrong, Pretty Boy.

Y/N: Aw, you think I'm pretty?

She playfully punches my arm.

Korra: Shut up.

She and I go to the boat and head into Republic City.

(Thirty minutes later)

We're now in the Taskforce uniforms and are in a briefing for our first mission.

Tarrlok: My fellow Taskforce Deputies, tonight we will execute a raid on an underground Chi-Blocker training camp. It's located in the Dragon Flats Borough. According to my sources, there is a cellar underneath this bookstore.

He points to the bookstore on the map.

Tarrlok: This is where Equalist's are train Chi-Blocking in secret.

Tarrlok wants to go for a surprise attack on the place, so we leave under the cover of night.

(Fifteen minutes later)

The Taskforce truck pulls up outside of the bookstore.

Myself, Korra, Tarrlok and the other Deputies jump out of the back of the truck.

We go over to the small windows and kneel down to look inside.

There are Equalist's inside and they are training Chi-Blocking to their new recruits.

Tarrlok: (Whispers) Any sign on Amon in there?

Y/N: (Whispers) Nothing aside from a really creeping banner hung up in his honor.

One of the Deputies opens up a tanker for the Water-Benders to use.

A moment later they use the water to smash through the windows, this allows us to get inside.

I land inside and use Airbending to slam two Equalist's into the wall, knowing them both out.

Two of them escape out of the back door.

Korra: I'm going after those two!

She runs out the back door after them.

Y/N: I better help her. 

I rush out of the door after her.

When I catch up I see Korra getting attacked by two Equalist's.

She uses Earthbending to take one down.

The other comes up behind, but before he can attack I take him down with a blast of air. 

I go over to help her up.

Y/N: Hey, you okay?

Korra: Yeah. Nice timing. Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: I told you. I got your back.

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