Chapter 74: Defending The Spirit Portal

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(Republic City)

Y/N's P.O.V 

Korra and I come out of the Spirit Portal.

We're now back in Republic City. We then immediately hear a loud voice.

???: You have ten seconds to vacate this area, or I'll call the police!

Y/N: What the hell?

We then hear Jinora's voice.

Jinora: You can keep counting, but we're not going anywhere!

Korra: That doesn't sound good.

We see that Jinora, Tahn and other Airbender's are outside the portal with a group men.

Y/N: Looks like our vacation is over, babe.

Korra: Yeah.

She takes her necklace off.

Korra: Let's not tell anyone just yet.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Okay.

Jinora sees us.

Jinora: Y/N, Korra, you're back.

She rushes over to us.

Korra: What's going on?

Jinora: We were having a nice, quiet meditation session around the portal... when that guy showed up, yelling at us to leave.

Y/N: Who is he?

Just then we see Asami show up and she comes over to us.

Korra: Asami? You're here?

Asami: Yeah, I came as soon as I heard what was going on.

The guy comes over to us.

???: Miss Sato? Almost didn't recognise you. The last time I saw you...

Asami: I was fourteen and you'd just walked out on an important deal with my father.

???: That was business, nothing personal. And I'm very sorry to hear what happened to your father.

Asami: I don't want your condolences.

Y/N: Asami, who is this douchebag?

Asami: This is Wonyong Keum. He was an old associate of my father's.

Korra: And what does he want?

Wonyong: Avatar Korra, if you would please be so kind as to escort these interlopers off my land.

Jinora: Korra, don't listen to him. He's trying to turn this whole area into an amusement park. He wants to build a road, so he can drive truckloads of people into the Spirit World.

Y/N: What?

Wonyong: The Spirit World is a wondrous and beautiful place. I think everyone deserves the opportunity to experience it, don't you think?

As he and Asami argue a Spirit shows up and scares him.

Spirit: You're just another human who refuses to respect the sacred.

Wonyong: Ah!!

Spirit: You think a piece of paper gives you the right to ravage and plunder the Spirit World?

The Spirit looks at Korra.

Spirit: I urge you to close the portal, Avatar. It was never meant to be here. And humans like this man will exploit it.

I step forward.

Y/N: Not long ago, Korra and I came to you for help and you said Spirit's wouldn't get involved with human conflicts... why are you so interested now?

Spirit: Because now there is a Spirit Portal to the Spirit World I'm the middle of a metropolis. I have no choice but to protect my kind.

Korra: I understand that you want to keep the Spirit's safe. We all do, but shutting the portal isn't the answer.

She looks to all of us.

Korra: And I'm not just saying that because I almost died when this portal was created. I truly believe this née spiritual energy will have a harmonious effect on the people of Republic City.

Spirit: Very well, Avatar.

The Spirit goes back to the portal before turning back.

Spirit: I can't force you to close the portal. But I will hold you responsible for keeping it safe.

The Spirit goes back into the Spirit World.

I look at Korra.

Y/N: You won't have to protect it alone.

Asami: He's right.

Opal: We're all here to help.

Tahn: Damn right.

Wonyong: This still doesn't change the fact that you are all trespassing on my land! I want you out of here immediately!

I step forward.

Y/N: It's time for you to leave, old man.

I close my eyes and activate the Spirit State.

I float up.

Wonyong: Ah!

Y/N: Leave now!!!

As I come down I come out of the Spirit State to see Wonyong and his men are gone.

Jinora: I doubt he'll be back anytime soon.

Y/N: Well, sometimes a little Spirit State intimidation goes a long way.

Korra wraps her arms around my waist.

Korra: (Whispers) I'm so hot for you right now.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Thank you.

I turn and kiss her.

After that she and I leave with Asami.

She wants us to go with her to the refugees camp.

Alot of people got displaced when the Spirit Portal was opened in the middle of the city.

Korra and I walk together.

Y/N: So, when do we tell the other's about us?

She smiles.

Korra: I don't know. I mean with everything going on, I think maybe we should wait.

Y/N: Yeah, good idea.

We stop and look at each other.

Korra: Plus, I kinda like having it just between us. Well, at least in Republic City. I just hope everyone doesn't take it the way my dad did.

Y/N: Don't worry, your dad will come around. He might just need some time.

Korra: I hope so.

We lean in and kiss.

Asami: Hey!

We look over to her.

Asami: Come on, love birds! Time to go!

I look at Korra.

Y/N: Let's go.

Korra: Okay.

She and I catch up with Asami.

The three of us then head to the refugee camp.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now