Chapter 82: Team Avatar To The Rescue

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(The next day)

Third person perspective

Korra, Mako and Bolin have now teamed-up with Jargala of the Creeping Crystal Triad.

They're currently under the tunnels of Republic City to find Tokuga.

If they find him, they find Y/N and Asami too.

Jargala: Some of these passages are as old as the city itself. This way.

Team Avatar follows her down the passage way.

Mako: The only building large enough to house a couple of stolen airship's ie the abandoned Earthen Fire refinery. Tokuga has to be there.

A moment later they come up to a ladder.

Jargala: This should take us straight to Tokuga.

Korra: Y/N and Asami too.

Mako: Ready?

Bolin: Let's do it.

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm still being held by Tokuga and can't use my bending.

Asami is working on the pump for Tokuga.

Wonyong: I'm so sorry, Asami. You have to know, I never intended for any of this to happen.

Asami: Quit talking.

Y/N: She's right. You talk, we could end up dead.

Tokuga: How much longer?

Asami: I'm almost finished.

Wonyong: Please, Tokuga. I gave you everything you've asked for. Why are you doing this?

Tokuga: Because power is never granted to those who ask. Why are you doing this?

Just then we hear a crash from behind us.

I look over to see Korra, Mako and Bolin with someone woman.

Korra: Y/N!

Y/N: Korra!

Tokuga drops down.

Tokuga: Get this airship in the air.

Criminal: Yes, sir.

Asami: The pump's all connected. Now, let us go.

Tokuga's men grab both Asami and Wonyong.

Tokuga: Not yet. Take them aboard! And don't forget Air Master Y/N.

His men grab me and take me on the airship too.

The airship takes off and a moment later Tokuga gets aboard himself.

Third person perspective

Back in the hanger Team Avatar and Jargala are fighting off Tokuga's forces.

Jargala: Tokuga's getting away! He took Y/N and Asami with him!

Korra: Mako, Bolin! We have to follow that airship!

They run to the exit.

Korra: Jargala, come on!

Jargala: I'm not leaving my turf in the hands of these goons. Go!

They get outside and the brothers jump on a motorcycle.

Bolin: Korra, hop on!

Korra uses Airbending to create an ball of air.

She speeds off ahead of Mako and Bolin.

Korra: I've got my own ride, thanks! Follow me! We'll take Kyoshi Bridge!

Mako: How do you know where they're going?

Korra: I don't... but I have a hunch he's going back to where this all started.

They take off towards the Spirit portal in the heart of Republic City.

Y/N's P.O.V

Asami, Wonyong and I are now being held on the airship.

Asami: We have a problem.

We look outside and see all the people near the Spirit portal.

Wonyong: I know. All those innocent people are in danger.

Asami: everyone down there is going to be fine. But if Tokuga releases that gas, we won't be.

She looks to me.

Asami: Wait, Y/N. Why haven't you tried using your Spirit State to get us out of here?

Y/N: I have, but something's wrong. It's not working properly.

Wonyong: Why? It worked fine when you used it to scare me.

Y/N: Well, I think my Spirit State is connected to the Spirit World itself. And because the Spirit World is in such an unbalanced state, so I can't use the Spirit State. At least that's my theory.

(A/N: I know that might not make sense, but as I made up the Spirit State it made sense to me.)

Asami: Well, I get that makes sense.

She sighs.

Y/N: What is it?

Asami: I didn't expect him to bring us with him.

Wonyong: What did you do?

Criminal: Is there a problem?

Asami: Nope! We're fine!

She looks to us.

Asami: I think I can get us out of this, but I need you both to trust me.

Y/N: I always do.

Wonyong: Alright.

Asami: Wonyong, when I tell you to, I need you to grab those gas masks.

Y/N: Then once you get them on, you can get this mask off my face.

Asami: But there's only two masks?

Y/N: I can use Airbending with my mouth to create an air bubble to breathe.

Asami: Okay. We now have a plan.

Tokuga starts talking through the radio to the people below.

Asami: (Whispers) Almost there.

Third person perspective

On the ground Korra, Mako and Bolin make it to the Spirit portal.

Wolf starts barking.

Ikki: Korra's here!

Korra goes over to Tenzin.

Korra: Is everyone alright?

Tenzin: For the moment. Did you find Y/N?

Korra: He's being held on the airship with Asami and Wonyong, but we'll get them all back. What's happening here?

Tenzin: Well, thankfully Raiko's decided to withdraw the United Forces.

Just then General Iroh walks over to them.

Iroh: Don't be thankful yet.

They look to him.

Iroh: You need to know, Raiko has ordered me to bring foen thr ship. Airplanes on their way.

Korra: What?! But Y/N and Asami...

Iroh: I'd say you have about five minutes to get up there and get them out of harm's way.

Korra: I need to borrow Oogi.

Tenzin: Of course. Just be careful and bring my son back alive.

Korra: I will. I still plan to marry him once this is done.

Oogi flies in and Korra jumps onto him.

Korra: Besides, when have you ever known me not to be careful?

Tenzin just sighs.

Korra: Oogi, yip yip!

Oogi takes off into the air.

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