Chapter 15: The Search For Korra

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, Mako, Bolin, Asami and I are still in prison.

They won't let us out until we've been we're no longer a threat.

Mako and I have are standing around as we're waiting for Bolin to piss.

Mako looks at me.

Mako: I bet you're the first Airbending Master to be thrown in prison.

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah, probably.

He sighs.

Mako: Are you done yet?

Bolin: Can you two cover your ears. I can't go with you guys listening.

I groan.

Y/N: Goddammit.

We both cover our ears.

Just then door opens and we see Asami along with Beifong.

Mako: Asami.

She rushes over and the two kiss.

Bolin screams.

Bolin: A little privacy, please.

Mako: Are you alright?

Asami: I'm fine. It's so good to see you.

Lin: Hate to break up your lovers' reunion, but Korra's in trouble. Amon captured her.

I feel my heart sink.

Y/N: What? No. No, she can't be gone.

Lin: Come on. We have an Avatar to rescue.

I immediately leave the room.

If Amon has even laid a hand on her, I'll kill him myself.

(Three hours later)

Mako, Asami, Bolin, Lin and I went back to Air Temple Island to meet up with dad.

He was surprised to see us out of prison.

Right now we're heading towards a tunnel as the Equalist's are most likely hiding underneath the city.

Dad lands Oogi down and we all jump down to the ground.

I look around.

Y/N: The truck with Bolin took off down this alley.

Mako: He's right.

We go down the alleyway and make it to a tunnel entrance nearby.

Lin: Motorcycle tracks.

Y/N: Korra has to be in there... somewhere.

Beifong Metalbends to open the gate and we go in.

Mako uses Firebending to light up the dark area.

We come across four different tunnels.

I walk forward.

Y/N: Let's try this one.

Asami: And what if Korra's not down there?

Y/N: Then we pick another tunnel until we find her.

We go down the first tunnel in hopes of finding Korra.

Just then we hear an engine.

Tenzin: Someone's coming.

Lin: Quick, hide.

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