Chapter 44: Earth Kingdom Bandits

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Y/N's P.O.V

Korra, Asami and I have made it to a small town within the Earth Kingdom.

We leave the airship and walk through the town.

Y/N: This town looks like it's seen better days.

Korra: Yeah. I don't like the looks of this. Let's get the shipment and get out of here.

We go over to the pickup building and see a guard open the door.

Guard: You here to pick up the tax shipment?

Korra: Go ahead and load it on the airship.

The guards grab bags and take them over to the airship.

We then see a flare get shot up into the air.

After that a crew of bandits show up on motorcycles and in a truck.

The guards then run away.

Asami: So much for our escorts.

Korra: Maybe we should've brought the other's.

Their leader gets out of the truck and comes over to us.

Leader: Step away from the gold, kids and you won't get hurt.

Korra: Sorry to disappointment you, but we're taking this gold back to Ba Sing Se.

Leader: Fine. Suit yourself.

He goes to attack Korra, but she uses Airbending to knock him off his feet.

She then uses Earthbending to knock a few of them off their motorcycles.

The other's attack and I use my Airbending to knock his men of their motorcycle.

This causes their motarbikes to come to a stop and fall down. 

I turn to see two bandits going for Asami.

So I quickly blast the two with Airbending.

The three of us go on to take down the other bandits.

This causes them to speed off.

Leader: You're on the wrong side of this fight, Avatar! That gold belongs to the people, not the Queen!

I sigh.

Y/N: I get the feeling he might be right.

Korra: Me too.

After that we get the gold and take it onto the airship.

Time to go back to Ba Sing Se.

(The next day)

So we made it back to Ba Sing Se yesterday and delivered the gold.

The Queen told us that her people didn't find any Airbenders in Ba Sing Se.

I think she's lying to us. My gut tells me there's something more going on here.

There's also the fact that Mako and Bolin aren't back with Kai yet.

Right now Korra and Asami are training.

Just then Mako and Bolin show up.

Asami: Mako. Bolin.

Y/N: Where have you two been?

Bolin tries to tell us, but we don't understand a word of it.

Asami: Can you interpret that?

Mako: The Earth Queen's been secretly taking Airbender's and forcing them into her army.

Y/N: I knew it! I knew she was lying.

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