Chapter 65: Reconciliation With Korra

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

Today we're back in a meeting with President Raiko to give him an update on things.

As we're talking about the evacuation, Bolin bursts into the room.

Bolin: Guys! Good! You're all here.

Raiko: What's with you interrupting my important meetings all the time?

We see him come in with Su and the other's.

Korra and I stand up.

Y/N: Su, you're okay.

I go over to her and we hug.

She and then Korra hug.

Korra: I'm so sorry about Zaofu. How'd you guys escape?

Bolin: Opal, Beifong and I rescued everyone, but we had a run-in with Kuvira. We saw her super Spirit Weapon up close.

Tenzin: Is she going to use it against Republic City?

Zhu-li: Yes. I found out she's going to attack in two weeks.

Bolin: Oh and Zhu-li's on our side now. Well, she never actually switched sides amd I'm just gonna let her explain it all.

Zhu-li: I pretended to be loyal to Kuvira so I could sabotage her weapon. It didn't work, but I did overhear her plans to attack.

Raiko: I knew she wouldn't stop at Zaofu.

Lin: My guess is, she's coming by rail. It's the only way she can transport that weapon.

Korra: Then we'll cut the rail lines.

Raiko: I agree, but let's get as many citizens evacuated before we do.

He looks to Mako.

Raiko: Put out the announcement. The evacuation is now mandatory.

Mako: We're on it.

Korra: Don't worry, Mr. President. I won't let Kuvira take our city.

We then leave Raiko's office.

(Three days later) 

So, for the past three days we've been working to get people out of the city.

And luckily we'll have the help of my brother and the United Forces.

Dad and Beifong have decided to bring the President to Air Temple Island.

Korra, Mako, Asami, Bolin and I go to talk to them as we've got a plan.

Korra: Hey, everyone, there's something we need to discuss with you.

Tenzin: What is it?

Korra: The five of us have been talking and... we want to take out Kuvira's Spirit Weapon before it gets too close to the city.

Tenzin: That sounds like a risk we don't need to take. The evacuation is in schedule and General Iroh is getting his army in place.

Y/N: Look, we know Iroh can go toe-to-toe with Kuvira's army, but that weapon...

Bolin: It's too powerful! It can destroy the city!

Mako: We can't let it get to our doorstep.

Korra: We'll sneak behind enemy lines and disable the weapon.

Asami: And if it works, it'll even the playing field.

Tenzin: But if you get caught...

Korra: It's worth the risk.

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