Chapter 41: Dealing With The Vines

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Y/N's P.O.V

Korra, Asami and I make it to the main land along with Wolf.

We walk over to Asami's car.

Korra: This is so exciting. New Airbenders in the city? I bet we can find that guy before Mako does.

Asami throws Korra the keys to the car.

She looks at the keys.

Korra: You know, I'm not very good at this.

Y/N: Yeah, we know.

Asami: Korra, you're the Avatar, Master of all the elements. You should know how to drive.

Y/N: She's got a point. You two take a drive around and look for him. I'll look for him from the sky with my wings.

I finally got my wings to work recently. I can now glide without a glider.

Asami: Okay, we're on it.

Y/N: Oh, and take Wolf with you. He might be able to sniff the guy out.

Korra: Good idea.

I nod.

I bring out my wings from my robes and jump into the air.

Hopefully we can find this guy before he hurts himself, or anyone else.

(Thirty minutes later)

I'm still haven't found the Airbender, but Korra has contacted me.

She has a way to get rid of the vines.

Korra and I are now with Bolin and Lin outside a apartment complex covered in vines.

Korra: I hope this works.

Y/N: Me too. It's kinda a crazy idea, but it's the only one we got.

Just then President Raiko shows up with some reporters.

Korra: What are you guys doing here?

Raiko: I was alerted that you had a new plan to get rid of these vines. So I thought you'd want everyone to be here to watch.

Reporter: Avatar Korra. Do you really think...

I interrupt him.

Y/N: No questions from the audience. Just stand there. Silently!

I look to Korra.

Y/N: You ready to do this?

Korra: Let's do it.

We go closer to the building.

Korra closes her eyes and goes into the Avatar State.

I close my eyes and got into the Spirit State to use Spirtbending.

We use our Spirtbending together in order to get rid of the vines.

The vines start to disappear and are gone completely.

Korra and I bow.

Y/N & Korra: Go in peace.

After that reporters start asking Korra more questions.

Just then the vines come up again and wrap around the building.

The also start growing over other buildings.

Y/N: Ah, crap.

A building behind us starts to come down.

Korra: Look out!

Everyone runs off aside from Korra, Lin, Bolin and I.

Bolin and Beifong use their Earthbending to stop the building from falling.

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