Chapter 22: The Glacier Spirit's Festival

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(171 AG. Y/N's age: 19)

(Republic City)

Y/N's P.O.V

So it's been eight months since we defeated Amon and the Equalist's.

Now all the Equalist's are in jail.

Since then Mako and I join the Republic City PD as officer's.

We joined up to help Beifong with any Equalist cells throughout the city and we're still with the RCPD.

He and I are currently chasing down triad memebers on our motorcycles.

They fog up the street to blind us, but we drive straight through.

One of them then turns his water into ice, but we turn and skid across the ice.

We use our Bending Abilities to catch up to them.

After another minute or so Mako melt their trucks tires and cause them to crash.

We stop our motorcycles and get off.

Mako: We got 'em.

Y/N: Yeah, we did.

We take our helmets and goggles off. Then we go over to them.

The crew pulls themselves out of the truck.

Y/N: Looks like you had some car trouble. Good thing the police are here.

Just then a cop car shows up to take 'em away for us.

Mako and I go back to our motorcycles.

Y/N: So, you ready for Glacier Spirits Festival?

Mako: Yeah, it should be fun. Hopefully Asami will take some time out to have some fun.

Y/N: Everything still okay with you two?

Mako: Yeah, we're great.

Y/N: That's good, man.

Mako: Yeah. So, how are you and Korra doing?

Y/N: We're great too.

Mako: Isn't this festival the first time you're meeting her parents as Korra's boyfriend?

Y/N: Yep, but I've known Tonraq and Senna since I was a kid, so it'll be okay..

Mako: If you say so.

Y/N: I do say so. You wanna get some food?

Mako: Yeah, definitely. I'm starving.

We get on our motorcycles and leave the area.

(The next day)

So last night I crashed at Mako and Bolin's place, but I'm now back on Air Temple Island.

We'll be leaving for the festival later on.

I walk to the temple and see Korra coming out holding baby Rohan.

Y/N: Ah, crap. Korra's holding a baby. Shouldn't someone be supervising you?

She chuckles.

Korra: Oh, shut up.

She and I kiss briefly before pulling away.

I look at Rohan and take him from Korra.

Y/N: Hey, little bro. You good?

He just smiles at me.

Korra: You missed the Air-Scooter race this morning.

Y/N: Damn it, really? Who won?

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