Chapter 55: A New Airbending Master

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(One week later)

(Republic City)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been a week since the battle with Zaheer and the Red Lotus.

Zaheer and his crew are now in jail and they're never getting out.

I took away both Ghazan and Ming'wan's Bending.

Now, none of them are a threat to anyone.

Though Korra was badly hurt due to the poison and she's now in a wheelchair.

Anyway, today is a special day as Jinora is becoming an Airbending Master today.

Right now I'm going to see her in room.

Just then I see dad coming over to me.

Y/N: Hey, dad.

Tenzin: Hi. How's Korra doing?

Y/N: I'm not sure. I'm just gonna check on her now, she's with Asami. I just hope what happened doesn't shake her confidence as the Avatar.

Tenzin: I'm sure it won't. Korra's strong. She'll come back from this. All you need to do is support her.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess you're right. Hopefully I don't end up pushing her away. I mean she's in a delicate place right now.

Tenzin: You won't. She needs you more than you know, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks, dad. So, how's Jinora feeling?

Tenzin: She's okay, just a little nervous but she's excited. Your sister's been looking forward to for a long time. 

Y/N: I bet. And I know. I remember she asked me when she'd get her tattoos. I told her to be patient.

Tenzin: Well, she was.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Yeah, she was?

I smile.

Y/N: Well, I better check in on Korra and Asami.

Tenzin: Okay.

I walk off to go and see Korra.

(Five minutes later)

I make it to Korra's room and lightly knock on the door before walking in.

Y/N: Hey, girls.

Asami stands up.

Asami: Hey, Y/N.

She comes over to me.

Y/N: How she doing?

Asami: She's okay, or as good as she can be given what happened.

Y/N: Okay. Thanks for helping her, Asami. I appreciate it.

She holds my hand.

Asami: Anything for you.

After that she leaves the room.

I go over to Korra and kneel down infront of her.

Y/N: Hey, babe.

Korra: Hi.

Y/N: You look beautiful.

She smiles.

Korra: Thanks. You look handsome as always.

Y/N: Thanks.

I sigh.

Y/N: Korra, it's only been a week. No-one expects you to be back to your old self right away.

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