Chapter 83: Back To The Spirit World

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Y/N's P.O.V

Asami, Wonyong are waiting for the right moment to strike.

I see Asami grab the wires to release the gas within the airship.

Asami: Get ready...

She yanks the wires out and the gas starts to fill the room.

Asami: Go! Now!

Asami rips the mask off my face and I immediately use Airbending with with my mouth to allow myself to breathe.

Wonyong goes to get the masks.

Criminal: What did you do?!

He goes to attack her, but Asami grabs his arm and flips him over.

Wonyong gets the mask and throws one to Asami.

Wonyong: Catch!

Asami puts it on before freeing me as more gas fills the room.

Y/N: Well, that worked. What now, Asami?

Asami: Tokuga and the pilot should be passed out. I'm gonna steer us clear of the city.

Tokuga: There's one thing you didn't plan for.

Just then we see Tokuga come through the gas and he hits me with his tentacle arm.

Asami: How?

Tokuga: It turns out bring half Spirit has it's advantages.

He rips off Asami's mask and she starts coughing.

Y/N: No!

I hit him with a blast of Airbending.

After that I jump at him, but he wraps me up with his tentacle arm.

???: Back off!

We look over to see Korra is aboard the airship.

She blasts him with Airbending.

I drop to the floor as she rushes over to me.

Korra: Are you okay, baby?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm okay. But Asami needs help.

We go over to her and I use Airbending to allow her to breathe.

She gasps for air.

Korra: You two sit tight. I'll try to land this ship.

Asami and I stand up.

Asami: No, I've seen you drive. You and Y/N keep Tokuga busy. I'll steer the airship.

Y/N: She's right, babe. You can't drive a car, let alone an airship.

Korra: Okay, good point.

Asami goes to pilot the airship.

Korra and I turn to see Tokuga getting to his feet.

Tokuga: You two need some fresh air?

He smashes all the windows with his tentacle arm.

Korra: No!

Y/N: Asami, we need to get the gas away from everyone!

Asami: I can take us into the Spirit World! The poison isn't affecting Tokuga, so I don't think it'll harm the Spirits!

Y/N & Korra: Go!

We look outside to see Asami is flying the airship into the Spirit portal.

Tokuga: Counting on the Spirits to help you? Think again!

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