Chapter 31: The Past

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and see nothing but the ceiling.

I raise my hand and feel a bandage around my head.

Y/N: Ow.

I then get up and look down to see a bigger bandage around my body.

Y/N: How'd I get here?

???: Tonraq brought you here.

I look over to see gran gran standing there.

She comes over to me as I put my feet on the floor.

Katara: How are you, sweetheart?

Y/N: I'm okay, gran gran.

Gran gran checks my wounds under the bandages.

Katara: You've healed pretty well.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks to you, I'm sure.

Katara: Am I becoming that predictable?

Y/N: To me, yeah.

I hear the door open and see Tonraq come into the room.

Tonraq: Ah, you're up. How you feeling, kid?

Y/N: I'm okay. Thanks for getting me here.

Tonraq: You're welcome.

Y/N: What happened with Tahn?

Tonraq sighs.

Tonraq: He got away. We tried to catch him, but we couldn't. Sorry, Y/N.

Y/N: Don't be.

As Tonraq and gran gran talk I remember what Tahn said to me.

Tahn: We were created using pure spiritual energy. We were created by Avatar Aang to be Airbender's.

Y/N: No! No, you're lying!

Tahn: Just mediate on it, little brother. And you'll learn the truth.

Could he be telling the truth?

Are we brother's? Were we created using spiritual energy?

I guess I have to do what he said. I've gotta meditate on it.

I come back to reality when I see the two of them looking at me.

Katara: Y/N, are you alright?

I sigh.

Y/N: Uh, yeah. I'm okay. I just need to go and get some air.

I grab my shirt and put it on before leaving.

(Ten minutes later)

I go up to the point that Korra told me about.

The same place she gave Beifong back her Bending.

I sit down and close my eyes to start meditating.

I need to know the truth.

Third person perspective 

After a few minutes of meditation Y/N opens his eyes and sees he's somewhere else.

He stands up and looks around.

Y/N: Wait, I'm back on Air Temple Island. Why?

The Airbender looks to the right and sees an Airbender walking into the meditation chamber.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now