Chapter 28: Learning The Truth

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Y/N's P.O.V

So I've just been to see Mako, Asami and Varrick to give them an update of Tonraq's situation.

After that I go to see Korra, she's currently at her parents house with her mum.

When I get there I see Korra come out of the house.

Y/N: Hey, what's going on?

Korra: I'm done sitting around. We need to do something. Now, I know you're probably gonna say...

Y/N: Actually, I agree. We need to do something. I'm done just sitting around. There's a time to be patient, then there's a time to act.

She smiles.

Korra: I'm glad you said that, because I have a plan and I'll need you to help.

Y/N: Okay, Avatar Korra, what's your plan?

Korra: Well, first we're gonna need Naga.

(Fifteen minutes later)

After getting Naga we follow the judge out into the mountains.

He's ahead of us in his car.

Nage runs along side it and slams into the car

The judge spins out and crashes.

Y/N: Good job, Naga.

Korra and I get off her and go over to the car.

I open the door and Korra looks inside as Naga growls at the judge.

Korra grabs him and throws him against the car.

Hotah: What do you two want?

Korra: It's not what we want, it's what Naga wants. And she'd like you to let my father out of prison.

Hotah: I'm... I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. I was just following Unalaq's orders.

I go over to him.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Hotah: I've... I've said to much.

Y/N: That's it. Naga, open up.

I grab him and put his head inside Naga's mouth.

Y/N: Now, I'm sure you're a smart enough guy to see where this is going. You better start talking, unless you wanna be Naga's afternoon snack.

Hotah: You're an Airbender, you won't do it.

I lean in closer.

Y/N: You sure about that?

Hotah: Okay, okay! I've worked for Unalaq for years! He said he needed everyone to think the trial was fair.

Korra: So, Unalaq told you what to say?

Hotah: Yes! Every word.

Korra: Then why did he have you free my mother and change your sentence?

Hotah: He's trying to keep you on his side, but he also wants your father out of the way. Just like when he got your father banished.

Y/N: What does that mean?

Hotah: Nothing!

Y/N: Keep talking, old man.

(Thirty minutes later)

After learning that Unalaq set Tonraq up, so he'd get banished we go to telling the others what happened.

Korra: Unalaq's a liar and a traitor!

Varrick: I've been trying to tell you that from the get-go.

Mako: What happened?

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