Chapter 14: Getting Arrested

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Y/N's P.O.V

After getting into Republic City we immediately hear about a group of Equalist's that are causing trouble.

That's mainly because all of the Future Industries Sato-Mobiles have police scanners.

It actually makes sense given Mr. Sato is an Equalist.

Anyway, we caught the Equalist's and are now having our pictures taken.

The news is gonna have a field day.

Just then Tarrlok and his Taskforce show up.

I look to Korra.

Y/N: Here we go.

She nods.

Tarrlok: Avatar Korra, Air Master Y/N. What do you think you're doing?

Korra: Hey Tarrlok, nice of you to finally show up

Y/N: And to answer your question. It seems like we're doing your job for you. We captured the escaped convicts for you.

Tarrlok: What you did was tear up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals.

Korra: Hmm, that's funny. I didn't see your little Taskforce or the cops the whole time.

She looks to me.

Korra: Did you see anyone chasing these guys, Y/N? I mean other than us.

Y/N: No, I didn't say anything. The streets were very quiet, which was surprising to me.

Korra: Hmm. Well, if it wasn't for Team Avatar, they would've gotten away.

Tarrlok: This is your last warning. Stay out of my way.

He walks away and leaves with his Taskforce.

Y/N: Man, I can't wait for the day I get to wipe the floor with that smug asshole.

Korra: That doesn't sound like an Airbending Master to me.

Y/N: I know, but he deserves it. We both know that.

Korra: True. Don't worry, Y/N. You'll get your chance to do that. Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.

We get into Asami's car and leave the area.

(The next day)

So it's another evening and Team Avatar is in patrol again looking for Equalist's.

We've just stopped to get some food.

Just then the police scanner goes off.

Officer: All available units, please respond to the five thousand and six hundred block of Dragon Flats Borough. Equalist's have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous.

I sigh.

Y/N: Time to go to work.

Mako: Yep.

Bolin jumps in.

Bolin: I call front.

Mako gets in the back first.

I look to Korra.

Y/N: After you.

She smiles and I help her up and into the car.

Korra: What a gentleman. Thanks.

I jump in and sit next to her.

Once we get to the scene all we see are innocent people bring harassed by the cops.

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