Chapter 51: The Fire Lord

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Y/N's P.O.V

I follow the sand-sailer tracks and end up back at the Misty Palms Oasis.

I land down on the ground.

When I stand up I see people staring at me.

Y/N: Hey, everyone. It's like you've never seen an Airbender before.

Just then I get tackled to the ground.

I see that it's Naga. 

I chuckle.

Y/N: Hey, girl. I missed you too.

She moves back and let's me sit up.

I see Wolf and Lucky come over too.

Y/N: Hey, you two. You guys okay?

I stroke both of them.

Y/N: Did Korra and Asami make it here?

Naga looks over to a tavern.

I then see Druk nearby.

Druk is a dragon that belongs to Fire Lord Zuko.

I haven't seen him since I was twelve.

Y/N: Druk?

I go over to him.

He puts his head against mine.

Y/N: It's good to see you, pal. It's been a long time. What are you doing here?

After that I go into the tavern.

I then see Korra and Asami with Fire Lord Zuko, Tonraq and Lin.

Y/N: Korra.

She turns and see me.

Korra: Y/N.

She comes over and we hug.

Korra: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm good. I scared that thing off and followed the tracks here.

We pull away as Asami comes over and we hug.

Asami: I'm glad you're okay.

Y/N: Thanks. You too.

We pull away and go over to the other's.

Lin: Hey, kid. You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, nothing I couldn't handle.

I look to Tonraq.

Y/N: Tonraq, it's good to see you.

He and I shake hands.

Tonraq: You too, Y/N.

I look to Zuko and bow to him.

Y/N: Fire Lord Zuko. It's good to see you again.

He bows to me.

Zuko: You too, Y/N. It's been a long time. You're so tall now.

I smile. 

Y/N: Yeah, I grew up.

Zuko: Korra told us what you did. Are you sure you're okay?

Y/N: I'm okay. I didn't think about it, I just did it.

Zuko: Aang used to be the same way. 

Y/N: I've heard that before. So, what'd I miss?

Korra: Y/N, the Earth Queen is dead.

Y/N: Wait, really? How?

Lin: We don't know, but Ba Sing Se is bound to be in chaos right now.

Y/N: Damn. Have you guys heard from Mako and Bolin?

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