Chapter 11: The Sato Mansion

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Y/N's P.O.V

After what happened at the arena Korra and I spoke to dad and he's allowing Mako and Bolin to stay at Air Temple Island with us.

Korra and I are going to see them now.

We go up to find them in their place.

Korra: Hey, guys. Great news.

Y/N: You don't have to go back on the streets. Korra and I talked to my dad and made all the arrangements.

Korra: Yep. You two can come and live on Air Temple Island with us.

Mako: Oh... well, we'd love to but...

Bolin: Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion.

He stands up.

Bolin: From here on out, its gonna be the lap of luxury for is.

We then see Asami come down the ladder.

Asami: Hey, Y/N. Hey, Korra. I was hoping you two would stop by.

Korra: Well, we were just leaving. So, I guess we'll see you guys around. Sometime.

Korra grabs my hand and we walk away.

Asami: How about tomorrow? I'd love to have you guys come to visit the estate.

Y/N: Yeah, that sounds great. Doesn't it, Korra?

I look at her.

Korra: Yeah, okay. Sounds good.

Asami: Great. We'll see you tomorrow.

We leave and go back to Air Temple Island.

(The next day)

Korra and I now at the Sato Estate and go inside.

The butler takes us to the indoor swimming pool where Mako, Bolin and Asami are.

Butler: Avatar Korra and Air Master Y/N have arrived.

Mako: Hey, guys.

Asami: Glad you made it.

Bolin: Welcome to paradise.

We sit down.

Y/N: Looks like you guys settled right in.

Mako: Pretty much. Except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here.

Asami: Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Y/N: That's true.

After Bolin shows us what the butler is willing to do he jumps back into the pool.

Asami swims over to us.

Korra: So, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess, shopping, makeovers.

Asami gets out of the pool.

Asami: Actually, I have something a little more exciting in mind.

Korra looks at me.

Korra: What do you think that means?

I shrug.

Y/N: No idea.

(Thirty minutes later)

Asami has taken us to some sort of race track.

Two cars race past us.

Asami: Pretty cool, huh?

Korra: Way cooler than a makeover.

Asami: This is where Future Industries test drives their Sato-Mobiles. Ever been behind the wheel?

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