Chapter 46: Landing In Zaofu

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three days since we freed the Airbender's from the Earth Queen.

They're now with dad at the Northern Air Temple, aside from Kai who's with us.

Right now we're taking a break as we've been in the airship for a little too long.

Korra and I are playing fetch with Wolf and Naga.

Lin: You know, while you two are playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals in the world are hunting for Korra. We should get moving.

Y/N: Lin, we're in the middle of nowhere. They're not gonna find us.

Korra: Y/N's right. Besides we just got here. No-one knows where I am except for us.

A moment later Mako and Asami come over to us.

Asami: Guys, we just got a call on fhe radio about another Airbender.

Korra: Finally, where are they?

Mako: A city called Zaofu, the home of the Metal Clan.

Y/N: Zaofu?

Mako: Yeah, you know it?

Y/N: Yeah. I've never been, but I've heard stories about it.

Lin: No! I don't want you going there. Korra, I'd rest alot easier if you were back safe in Republic City.

Korra: Sorry, but if there's an Airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we're going next.

Y/N: Great. Let's go.

We board the airship.

After getting Lin, Fang and Naga on board we take off and head to Zaofu.

(One hour later)

We've been flying for about an hour now, but we're now above Zaofu.

Bolin: Wow! An entire city made of metal. Nice. You should feel right at home, Beifong.

Lin: Hmm.

I smile.

Y/N: This place is beautiful.

The pilot brings the airship down and we land.

After that we leave the airship, but Lin stays on the airship.

We walk over to a man with two guards.

???: Avatar Korra, Air Master Y/N, it's an honor to meet you both. My name is Aiwei.

Korra and I bow to him.

Korra: Thanks for having us.

Aiwei: Is this everyone?

Korra: Yep. Just us.

Y/N: So, can we meet the new Airbender.

Aiwei: Of course. Right this way.

We join him and go down on a platform made of metal.

(Ten minutes later)

We're now on a tram that takes us through Zaofu.

Along the way we pass a statue of Toph Beifong. The first ever Metalbender.

Aiwei: That statue honors the first Metalbender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his or her highest potential.

Kai: Wow. That's awesome.

Bolin: Does Toph live here? Are we gonna get to meet her?

Aiwei: I'm afraid not. She used to visit from time to time, but years ago, she left to wonder the world in search of enlightenment. No-one has seen her since.

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