Chapter 42: The Orphan

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Y/N's P.O.V

So today dad, Korra and I are leaving to find any new Airbenders out there.

We've got Jinora, Bumi, Asami, Bolin and Mako coming with us. As well as Wolf, Naga, Lucky and Oogi. 

Asami got us an airship to travel around in.

The airship has just taken off.

Mako got us a map and has marked villages where Airbenders have been spotted.

He lays the map out on the table.

Mako: As of now, these are all the places we've gotten reports about Airbenders. It looks like we can hit up most of them before we get to Ba Sing Se.

Korra: We're gonna bring back the Air Nation from the brink of extinction after nearly two hundred years.

Tenzin: And it's because of you, Korra.

Y/N: Yeah, it is. 

We head to the first place.

(Two days later)

So, earlier tonight we met an Airbender, but he didn't want to join us.

He didn't want to leave his family.

We're now back on the airship heading to the next village.

Korra: In my head I saw that playing out very differently.

Y/N: Me too.

Asami: Maybe we should've stayed and tried harder to convince him to join us.

Bolin: Or we could've thrown him into a potato sack and forced him into the ship.

Bumi: That's how they got me to join the United Forces.

Dad sighs.

Y/N: Guys, we can't coerce people or throw them in potato sacks.

Tenzin: Y/N's right. They must come freely. But not to worry, there are plenty other Airbenders out there who will be happy to come with us.

Y/N: Exactly. We just have to show them what the Air Nation is all about.

(Three days later)

We've been searching for new Airbender's for three days and none of the ones we found what to come with us.

They just don't want to leave their lives behind.

We tried the tough love approach, but that didn't work either.

It's safe to say nothing is working.

Dad groans.

Tenzin: I really thought I had that last guy. I mean who doesn't want a bison as their best friend?

Bumi: It's okay, Tenzin. I still want to be an Airbender.

Y/N: Okay, guys, I think it's safe to say the way we're going about this isn't working.

Tenzin: Well, I guess we should just go to Ba Sing Se and try our luck there.

Korra: I don't know what to do. I just thought more people would be excited about coming with us.

Bumi: Well, maybe you gotta do more to get them excited. You need to add a little razzle dazzle.

Bolin: Yeah, razzle dazzle. We could put on an Airbendering street performance.

Bumi: I was going to say we should cover Tenzin's robe in sequins, but that's better.

Korra: It sounds ridiculous.

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