Chapter 30: Facing The New Airbender

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(Republic City)

Third person perspective

Avatar Korra and the other's are now back to Republic City.

They leave the ship and are greeted by Beifong.

Lin: Welcome home, Avatar. Thanks for starting a war.

Korra: I didn't start a war. Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem.

She looks to Mako.

Lin: Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you and Y/N there to make sure things don't get out of hand.

Mako: I'm all yours.

Beifong looks around for Y/N.

Lin: Where's your partner, Mako?

Mako: He's still at South Pole.

Lin: What? Why?

Korra: He stayed behind to help my father and the rebels fight back against the North. And I'm going to the peace march too. The people of the South need to see that the Avatar is on their side in the fight against the Northern invaders.

Lin: Great. That should calm them down.

Beifong walks away.

Mako then looks to Korra.

Mako: Maybe you should sit this out?

Korra: Why?

Mako: I just think having you there blatantly supporting one side will only make things worse. You could at least try to seem neutral.

Korra: But I'm not neutral. The North invaded my home and my boyfriend is there, and in danger. The reason I'm here in to get the Republic to send troops to support the South.

Varrick: Zhu-li has already made an appointment with President Raiko tomorrow. We'll get him on board.

Mako: Whatever. I gotta go to work.

Asami: I better got check on my factory.

Korra: I'm gonna find out about this peace march.

They all leave the dock.

(Two days later)

(South Pole)

Y/N's P.O.V

I've been in the South Pole with the rebels for two days fighting off the North.

It hasn't been easy as we're outnumbered.

I'm currently in the planning room trying to come up with a way to deal a big blow to the North.

Tonraq then comes in.

Tonraq: Y/N, please tell you've got something. My men are in trouble.

I sigh and look at him.

Y/N: I wish I had better news, Chief. It's just impossible to predict where the North is gonna hit next.

Tonraq: I had a feeling you'd say that.

Y/N: I've been thinking about something else too.

Tonraq: What is it?

Y/N: Well, I don't think we should just be relying on Korra getting the United Forces to come and help. Because it may not work.

Tonraq: I agree, but it's only chance of getting some support.

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