Chapter 77: Tokuga of The Triple Threats

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So today has been pretty calm, not much has happened.

Right now I'm with Korra and we're watching the sunset at Air Temple Island.

Korra: It's such a beautiful sunset.

Y/N: Yeah, it reminds me of the one from the Spirit World.

She smiles.

Korra: Me too.

Y/N: Though, the sunset isn't the only beautiful I see.

She giggles.

Korra: That was so cheesy, but very sweet too.

Y/N: Yeah, it was.

She and I lean into a kiss.

Just then we hear footsteps and pull away.

We look back to see aunt Kya.

Kya: Hey, you two. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Korra: It's okay, Kya.

Y/N: Hi, aunt Kya.

Kya: Hey. I was actually hoping to run into you two.

Y/N: Okay, what's up?

Kya: Well, Tenzin told me about your engagement and I wanted to say congratulations.

We smile.

Korra: Thank you, Kya.

Y/N: Thank you, but why'd he tell you?

Kya: Well, your father isn't always as smart as he normally is and he slipped up.

I sigh.

Y/N: Of course he did. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner.

Korra: With everything going on we wanted to wait for the right time to tell everyone.

Kya: Do your parents know, Korra?

She nods.

Korra: They do. They're happy for us, but my dad was... worried.

Kya: Why?

Korra: Well, he thinks we're too young for marriage and that I haven't fully thought this through.

Kya: I'm sorry, Korra.

Korra: Don't be. I just hope he comes around.

Y/N: He will, Korra.

Kya: Y/N's right. He will. Your father loves you, Korra. He will come around.

She nods.

Just then we see Mako, Asami and Bolin show up.

Bolin: Hey, guys!

Mako: Asami told us you had come back.

Aunt Kya looks at us.

Kya: Well, I'll see you both later. Congratulations you two.

Y/N & Korra: Thanks, Kya. Bye.

She leaves as the rest of Team Avatar come over to us.

Asami: Hey, you two.

We hug Mako and Bolin respectively.

Korra: Look at you, Officer Bolin. How's the force been treating you?

Bolin: Great! I made my first arrest.

Korra: Congratulations.

Y/N: That's great, Bolin. The uniform looks good on you.

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