Chapter 86: A Meeting With President Moon

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So today Korra, Mako, Asami and I have been called into a meeting.

We're meeting with Zhu-li and King Wu.

The four of us walk into Zhu-li's office and are greeted by Bolin.

Bolin: Welcome. Please help yourself to some cherry-berry lemonade and Varri-cakes.

Korra, Asami and I sit down, while Mako and Bolin talk.

After that they join as Zhu-li comes over to us.

Zhu-li: Thank you all for coming.

Korra: No problem. I used to dread meetings with the President. Now I look forward to them.

Y/N: She's not wrong.

Mako: So, what's going on?

Zhu-li: Actually, King Wu called this meeting I'll let him explain.

Wu stands up.

Wu: Thank you, President Moon.

He stands with Zhu-li.

Wu: I've asked you all here this morning because I'd like Team Avatar to join me in Gaoling for the upcoming election.

Mako: If you want us there just for show, then forget it. We're not your encouragement, Wu.

Wu: No, it's not like that. Well, maybe it is a little... anyway, I promise there's a legitimate reason I need you with me.

Mako: Okay, what is it?

Wu: My Kingdom is being threatened... by the Earth Empire!

Asami: Uh, Kuvira surrendered to Korra, remember?

Korra: Yeah, the Earth Empire is no more.

Wu: That's what I thought too. But recently, I received some reports about a group of holdouts hiding in Gaoling that never surrendered.

Y/N: What? How'd they slip through the cracks?

Wu: Kuvira gutted the Earth Kingdom army when she took power. We've been doing our best to round up Earth Empire stragglers, but the army is still understaffed.

Zhu-li comes back over with a file.

Zhu-li: The leader of the holdouts is one of Kuvira's former Commander's...

She puts the file down infront of us.

Zhu-li: A man by the name of Guan.

I pick up the file.

Y/N: And you're worried that Guan and his troops might disrupt the election?

Wu: Yes! I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night.

Korra: If Commander Guan does try to stop people from voting, it might give the other states an excuse to call off the elections.

Mako: It would put the whole Democratic movement in jeopardy.

Asami: And put the Earth Empire in position to rise to power again. We can't let that happen.

Zhu-li: I think it would be a good idea for the Avatar to stand with King Wu, as a symbol of balance and peace.

Korra: Agreed.

Mako: If Guan tries anything, we'll keep you safe.

Wu: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Bolin: Uh, could I go too?

Zhu-li: Of course, Bolin. Team Avatar wouldn't be the same without you.

After that we leave the office.

Korra and I stop to talk one-on-one.

Korra: Y/N, I have an idea.

Y/N: What is it?

Korra: I think I should go and pay Kuvira a visit. I want to find out what she knows about Commander Guan.

Y/N: That's a good idea. Though I don't like the idea of you being in the same room as her.

She tilts her head as she knows why.

Korra: Y/N, I'll be okay. She won't hurt me.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

I sigh.

Y/N: So, when do we tell the other's about...?

Korra: I don't know. With everything going on I don't think we should do it now.

Y/N: Yeah, you're probably right. I still can't believe it happened.

She smiles.

Korra: I know, right? It's amazing.

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, it is.

Korra: Well, I better go.

We lean in and kiss.

Korra then pulls away.

Korra: I'll catch up with you later, babe.

Y/N: Okay, bye. Just be careful.

Korra: I will.

I trust Korra to do this, but I still don't like her being in the same room as Kuvira.

I mean she did try to kill Korra with her Spirit Cannon.

After Korra leaves I go outside and catch up with Asami.

Asami: Hey, Y/N. I just saw Korra leave in a hurry, what's going on?

Y/N: Korra's going to meet with Kuvira to find out more about Commander Guan.

Asami: Oh... well, that's a good idea.

Y/N: Ah, crap. Sorry. I probably shouldn't have told you that.

Asami: No, it's okay. It's a good idea. I just don't like to think about Kuvira. And I definitely don't want to see her again.

Y/N: Is that why you didn't come to her trial?

Asami: Yes. Every time I see her I think about how she took my dad from me.

I nod.

Y/N: I understand. But don't worry, it's just an intel gathering mission. Kuvira is in jail and she's not getting out.

She smiles.

Asami: You're right. Thank you, Y/N.

She and I then hug.

After that we leave and I head back to Air Temple Island.

Hopefully, Korra can get some good info on Commander Guan.

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