Chapter 13: The New Team Avatar

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been two days since our encounter with Mr. Sato and his Mecha-Tank's.

Korra and I along with Jinora, Ikki and Meelo are waiting for Mako, Bolin and Asami at Air Temple Island.

Their boat docks and they walk off the boat.

Jinora: You're finally here. Welcome to Air Temple Island.

Ikki: Your new home.

Meelo: Welcome to my domain.

Bolin: Aren't you sweet, Little monk child.

Pabu jumps down and runs under Meelo's legs.

He looks at Pabu as he runs over to Fang and Naga.

Meelo: What's that fuzzy creature?

Jinora: That's a Fire Ferret. An arboreal mammal, common to the bamboo forests of the Central Earth Kingdom.

Ikki: He's cute!!

Ikki starts chasing after Pabu and Wolf, while Meelo jumps on Naga.

Meelo: Yip, yip. Fly Sky-Bison! Fly!

I chuckle.

Mako: Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move.

Asami: Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers.

Two Air Acolytes carry all of Asami's stuff off the boat.

Y/N: Asami, I thought you were only bringing a few things.

Mako: Trust me, it could've been alot worse.

Korra: No problem. Everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome.

After that we take them to their room.

Jinora Meelo and I take Mako and Bolin, while Korra and Ikki take Asami to her room.

Korra's P.O.V

Ikki and I are taking Asami to her room.

Ikki: Asami, did you know Korra liked Y/N while you were with him?

My eyes widen.

Asami: Oh... uh, no. I wasn't aware of that.

I quickly grab Asami and take her to her room. And I shut Ikki out.

Ikki: Hey!

Korra: Run along, Ikki.

I sigh.

Korra: So... here's your room. I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to.

Asami: I think it's really charming. And the best part about it? Nothing here reminds me of my father. Thank you for your hospitality.

Korra: Of course. Hey, so... about what Ikki said... I...

She laughs.

Asami: It's okay, Korra. You don't have to apologise. I understand. You have feelings for Y/N. I already know.

I scoff.

Korra: What? I don't have feelings for Y/N. I mean don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with Y/N. He has that cute smile, he's really handsome and has amazing abs. So I can understand why someone would have feelings for him, especially if they're into the whole "Brave, handsome Master Airbender" thing. But I...

Asami folds her arms.

I sigh and go over to her.

Korra: Is it really that obvious?

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