Chapter 32: The Eastern Air Temple

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(The next day)

(Eastern Air Temple)

Y/N's P.O.V

I've have just made it to the Eastern Air Temple, but something weird is going on.

More so than before I've been seeing spirits out here in the real world.

I don't know why that is though.

Lucky lands down at the temple and I get off him along with Wolf.

I walk towards the garden and see dad and the other's.

Y/N: Dad.

They all look over at us.

Tenzin: Y/N? You're here. It's good to see you.

Y/N: You too.

Jinora, Ikki & Meelo: Y/N!

The kids come over and hug me.

Y/N: Hey, guys.

Bumi: What are doing here, kiddo?

Tenzin: We thought you were at the South Pole fighting with Tonraq and the rebels.

Y/N: You guys know about the civil war?

Tenzin: Yes, Korra told us.

Y/N: Wait, Korra's here?

Korra: I am.

I look over and see Korra come over.

Y/N: Korra.

She comes over to me and we hug.

Korra: You're okay.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine.

We pull away.

Korra: I thought you were with my father and the rebels.

Y/N: I was, but I needed to come here.

I look to dad.

Y/N: We have somethings we need to talk about.

Korra: You're right about that.

(Fifteen minutes later) 

Korra, dad and I are talking alone.

Korra told us about what she went through after leaving Republic City.

I then have been tell them about what I learned about myself.

They are definitely shocked by it.

Tenzin: Wait, my father created you?

Korra: Using spirit energy?

I sigh.

Y/N: That's right. I have to know, dad. Did you know the truth about me?

He looks at me.

Tenzin: No, I didn't. I promise. My father clearly didn't want anyone to know.

I nod.

Y/N: Okay.

Tenzin looks to Korra.

Tenzin: So, Avatar Wan imprisoned this Dark Spirit Vaatu in the Spirit World?

Korra: Yes and now I think my uncle is trying to free him.

Tenzin: I knew Unalaq was hungry for power, but never realised how far he'd go to get it.

Korra: This is all my fault.

Y/N: Korra, don't blame yourself. You're starting to sound like me.

Tenzin: Y/N's right. This is Unalaq's doing. Now, we must focus on setting things right before he can do anymore damage.

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