Chapter 20: Amon's Rally

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Y/N's P.O.V

Korra and I have made it to the Equalist Rally and we were able to get in easily given our disguises.

We make it out onto a balcony and see Amon giving a speech about how his family were killed by Firebender.

Korra: That's a lie, Amon.

He looks up at us and we take our masks off.

Korra: Or should I call you Noatak?

People in the crowd start yelling out.

Amon steps forward.

Amon: Everyone, calm down. We have nothing to fear from the Avatar. Let's hear what she has to say.

Korra: Amon has been lying to you. The spirits didn't give him the power to take people's Bending away. He uses Bloodbending to do it. Amon is a Waterbender.

The crowd gasps.

Amon: You're desperate, Avatar. Making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort.

I step forward.

Y/N: You're family wasn't killed by a Firebender. His father was Yakone and his brother is Councilman Tarrlok.

The crowd continues to erupt.

This leads to Amon taking off his mask to show a fake scar on his face from the "Firebender" attack.

Amon: This is what the Firebender did to me.

Korra: What?

Korra looks to the crowd.

Korra: I'm telling you, he's a Waterbender.

She looks to me.

Korra: They don't believe me. It didn't work.

Y/N: We said what we had to, now let's get out of here.

We turn to see Equalist's starting to surround us.

Just then Amon shows us that he has my dad and siblings hostage.

Korra: No. They got away. We saw them get away.

Y/N: That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him.

Korra: Amon, let them go!

Amon: You're more than welcome to come down here and try to stop me.

Y/N: That's it. We gotta save 'em.

Korra: Right.

I shoot a blast of Airbending at Amon, knocking him back.

Korra and I then jump on the side of the wall and use Airbending/Firebending respectively to keep ourselves up right.

We make it to the stage. Korra then frees my family.

Once dad's free he blasts Amon and the Equalist's off the stage.

Y/N: We gotta go.

Korra and I lead them out into the hallway.

Y/N: Dad, get them out of here. We'll create a diversion.

He nods.

Tenzin: Let's go get your mother and the baby.

Meelo: Prison break!!

They all leave.

Just then Amon comes out of the door behind us.

Korra uses Firebending to give us cover, so we can bait Amon into following us.

Y/N: Korra, this way.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now