Chapter 26: Helping Bolin

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So the Northern Water Tribe soldiers have been in the South for two days now and things could be better.

From what I've seen things are getting tense between the North and the South.

Right now I'm just walking through the streets.

I look over and see spirits hanging around.

One waves at me and I wave back. Ever since Korra opened the Southern portal, I've been seeing spirit's.

And it seems like I'm the only one see them.

Just then I hear some call out to me.

Bolin: Y/N! I'm so happy to see you!

I see Bolin running over to me and grabs my shoulders.

Y/N: Hey, man. You okay?

Bolin: No! No, I'm not okay. I can't take it anymore. I don't wanna live in icy bliss with Eska!

He puts his head on my chest.

Bolin: Don't make me! Please don't make me.

He pulls away.

Y/N: Look, if you're that unhappy, then just break up with her.

Bolin: Break up with her? You can do that?

Y/N: Yeah. Guys do it all the time. And girls do it too.

Bolin: How?

Y/N: Just tell her you're not that into her anymore and that you think the two of you should break up.

Bolin: Oh, no. I don't think she'd like that, Y/N. She's very scary.

Y/N: Bolin, ending a relationship is kinda like pulling off a bloodsucking leech. You just gotta rip it off and get it over with. You'll feel alot better afterwards. Trust me.

Bolin: Thanks, Y/N. I'm lucky you're such a ladies man. Korra better watch out.

I glare at him.

Y/N: Shut up.

Bolin: Right. Sorry.

Y/N: Just because you're good with girls, doesn't mean you're a ladies man.

Bolin: Right. Got it.

Y/N: Look, I gotta go. I told Korra I'd meet with her back home. Good luck.

Bolin: Thanks.

I walk away.

(Three hours later)

So I'm now back where Korra and I are staying.

She should've been here by now though.

I walk out of the hut.

Just then I see Korra ride up on Naga.

So I go over to greet her.

Y/N: Hey, babe. How was your day?

She gets off Naga's back. 

Korra: Oh, fabulous. My Tribe's about to go to war and I'm supposed to stop it, but will anyone listen to me? No! And I didn't ask for my father's help, can't he just let me be the Avatar?

Y/N: Uh... do you want my advice or am I just supposed to listen? I'm still not clear on that.

She sighs.

Korra: I'm sorry, babe. My dad just gets me all worked up sometimes.

I gently grab her and hold her close.

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