Chapter 69: The Airship Attack

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Y/N's P.O.V

Tahn and I are almost at the airfield.

I'm glad Korra let us borrow Naga. We got here much faster.

I didn't wanna risk taking Lucky and getting blasted out of the sky.

We come up on the airfield and see a plane in the hanger.

Tahn: There's our ride.

Y/N: Yep, I see it.

Naga comes to a stop.

We get off her and Tahn goes over to the plane.

I stroke Naga.

Y/N: Thanks for the ride, girl. Now, you go and get somewhere safe or head back to Republic City. You'll be okay.

She whimpers and I put my forehead against her head.

Y/N: Don't worry, Naga. I'll be okay, I promise.

She licks my face and I chuckle.

Y/N: Go on, Naga. Go.

After Naga leaves I join Tahn at the plane.

Tahn: Okay, I think we're ready.

Y/N: Alright, let's do this.

We climb into the plane.

Y/N: Hey, Tahn, thanks for coming with me.

Tahn: Of course. We're brothers. Your fight is my fight.

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, you're right.

I start up the plane and slowly pull out of the hanger.

After that I speed up down the runway and take off into the air.

I fly the plane back to the city.

(Ten minutes later)

We make it back to the city and see Mecha-giant fighting the team.

The lead airship is behind it.

Y/N: There's the lead airship.

Tahn: I see it.

Y/N: I gotta fly between the buildings, so they can't spot us.

Tahn: I have a bad feeling about this.

I start flying between the buildings.

Tahn: Oh, shit! Y/N, watch out!

Y/N: Sorry, bro! I know you don't like flying like this! Which is weird as you're an Airbender.

Tahn: I don't mind flying like this, but what you're doing is suicide!

I fly the plane around, so we can hit the airship from behind.

Y/N: Okay, brace yourself, Tahn! We're going in for a crash landing!

Tahn: Oh, crap!

I fly the plane straight at the airship and crash into it.

The front half made it, but it'll fall back any second.

Tahn: We gotta jump!

He and I jump out of the plane before it falls out of the airship.

We hear a voice come over the radio.

???: The airship has been breached! I repeat, the airship has been breached!

Just then a squad of Earth Empire troops show up.

We charge at them and fight our way through them.

Y/N: We gotta fight our way to the bridge!

Tahn: Let's do it!

We continue fighting them off.

I pull out the space sword and cut a few down with non-fatal cuts.

After a few minutes we make it to the bridge.

Tahn and I take down the last two troops with a blast of Airbending.

We see Vasri standing looking out the window.

Vasri: I knew you'd come for me. The two Spiritual Airbender's created by Avatar Aang.

He turns to us.

Y/N: You're done, Vasri. It's over.

Vasri: You two can't defeat me. You're too weak to stop me.

Tahn: It's cute you think that's true.

Y/N: We're gonna kicking your ass.

Vasri: Give it your best shot.

We charge at Vasri and fight him.

He stands up.

I don't wanna risk hurting Tahn, so I'm not gonna go into the Spirit State.

He grabs Tahn and throws him away.

Vasri shots blasts of air at me, but I backflip out of the way.

He tries to blast me with Airbending, but I fire back at him with Airbending.

I once again blast him with Airbending and he goes flying into the wall.

Tahn rushes over to me.

Tahn: Find a way to use the weapon to take out the other airship, I'll deal with this bruiser.

Y/N: On it.

I go over to the console that controls the Spirit cannon.

Y/N: Okay, I have no idea what to do.

I hear Tahn fighting Vasri in the behind me.

Tahn: Any day now, little bro.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm working on it.

I see the right button.

It'll cause the weapon to spin and take out the other airships.

Y/N: Got it.

I press the button.

After that I look outside to see the Spirit cannon taking out the other airships.

Y/N: Yes! The airships are gone. The Earth Empire is done!

I turn around to see Tahn get blasted into the wall.

Y/N: Tahn!

I rush over to him.

We both stand and see Vasri standing by the window.

Vasri: It isn't over!

Just then we see the Mecha-giant break apart outside.

The airship gets hit by the shrapnel and starts shaking.

An alarm starts blaring.

Vasri: Looks like this ship's going down, boys!

Y/N: We'll take down you and your ship, even if it means we go down too.

Tahn: Damn right.

Vasri: You're both dead!

I look at the consoles and get an idea.

I gotta blast the consoles with lightning.

Y/N: Tahn, I've got a plan. Get behind me!

Tahn: Right!

I activate the Spirit State and build up a blast of lightning.

After that I fire the lightning at the consoles before coming out of the Spirit State.

Just then we feel the airship starts to fall towards the ground.

Vasri: No!!!

After that everything goes black.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now