Chapter 60: An Evil Airbender

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Y/N's P.O.V

We now have a problem. Suyin has taken Wing and Wei to take down Kuvira.

If they take out Kuvira, it's gonna ruin everything.

I'm currently with Korra, Jinora and Opal.

Jinora: Korra, you have to stop Su before she does something terrible.

Opal: Stop her? We should be helping her.

Y/N: Opal, we have no idea where your mum is or what her plan is.

Korra: Y/N's right. If we go charging into Kuvira's camp, we could get them all captured or worse. All we can do now is wait.

Just then we hear Kuvira over the speaker.

Kuvira: Attention, citizens of Zaofu. Your leader, Su Beifong, attempted to attack me tonight while I slept. She ignored the terms of our truce. Luckily, I now have her and her assault team in custody. 

Opal: No.

Y/N: Oh, great.

Kuvira: Rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu as long as your remaining representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city. That is all. 

Opal: Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this. We have to go break out my mum and my brothers.

Jinora: You swore an oath of nonaggression when you became an Airbender. You can't just attack Kuvira.

Opal: I don't care about the oath. I have to save my family.

Y/N: Jinora's right. Your mum attacked the camp.

Korra: And Kuvira was just defending herself.

Opal: Defending herself? She was going to attack our city!

After that Ikki and Meelo come out and Baatar comes over.

Baatar: Korra, what are we going to do?

Korra: Y/N, Jinora and I will go to talk to Kuvira at dawn and maybe we can work something out. I promise I'll do everything I can to keep the peace.

Opal: I'll go with you.

Ikki: We'll go too.

Jinora: No. Dad told us to find Korra and we found her. Now you need to stay safe.

Ikki: Come on, let us help.

Y/N: Ikki, it's too dangerous. We can't risk anyone else being captured. You and Meelo will stay here with Baatar and Huan. 

I look to Baatar.

Y/N: Make sure they get back to my parents if something goes wrong.

He nods.

After that Korra, Jinora, Opal and I leave to go and meet with Kuvira.

It'll be dawn soon.

(Two hours later)

The four of us are outside Zaofu and see Kuvira waiting with her army.

She's got Su, Wing and Wei with her.

Opal: Release them now!

Kuvira: If Su agrees to bow to me and turn over Zaofu, she and the rest of your family will not be harmed.

Suyin: Never! I'll never bow to you!

Korra: There must be some way for us to resolve this.

Kuvira: I've already laid out my terms and I think they're very reasonable. After all, Su did try to take me out during our peaceful negotiations.

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