Chapter 10: The Arena Attack

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, tonight the Fire Ferrets are going up against the Wolf-Bats.

I walk into the locker room with Wolf to see the team getting ready.

Y/N: Hey, guys. You ready for this?

Mako: Oh, yeah.

Bolin: Let's do it!

Korra: I see you've come in style. Nice jacket.

I look at the jacket I'm wearing. It's a red Fire Ferrets jacket with the Future Industries logo on it.

Y/N: Thanks, my mum made it. Figured I should show my support for the winners of tonight's match.

Mako: Thanks, man. Come on, we better get out there.

Bolin: Alright.

Y/N: Good luck.

Korra comes over and we hug.

She then kisses me on the cheek.

Korra: Thanks.

We pull away and she joins Mako and Bolin.

I lean on the railing and watch as the match starts.

Third person perspective 

The Fire Ferrets and Wolf-Bats face each other.

As soon as the first round starts Tahno tries to hit Korra with a Waterbending uppercut.

Mako then gets hit by Earthbending discs and get knocked into zone two.

Bolin manages to return the favour to their Firebender.

Mako: Nice shot, Bolin.

Tahno hits Bolin with a foul Waterbending move and sends him into zone three.

But the Ref won't call a foul.

Mako: What the hell, Ref. That was a housing foul!

He just shrugs it off.

The Wolf-Bats are using more dirty tricks to beat the Ferrets.

Bolin then gets taken out and goes into the water. It's now only Korra and Mako.

Both Bender's are knocked into zone three.

All three Wolf-Bats go to hit Korra, but Mako jumps infront of her and blocks their attacks with his Firebending.

This causes both of them to go over, but Korra manages to catch them both.

Korra: Mako, are you okay?

Mako: Yeah, I'll live. We need to get back up there.

Korra: Right. I'll throw you back up and you hit 'em.

Mako: Good idea. Let's do it.

Korra swings Mako back then throws him back up.

The Firebender lands down and hits Tahno with a Firebending kick.

He gets up and looks at me.

Mako winks at him.

Mako: What's the matter, you didn't see that coming?

They're now about to go into round two.

Korra, Bolin and Mako huddle up.

Korra: What's wrong with these Refs?

Mako: They've been paid off. That's the only explanation. Someone wants us to lose.

Korra: If the Wolf-Bats are gonna fight dirty, then we should too.

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