Chapter 64: Into The Spirit World

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

The past few days have been crazy.

Spirit Vines in the city started kidnapping people because Kuvira has been hurting Spirit Vines from a swamp.

Korra and I went to the prison as she wanted to see Zaheer, hoping to get past her mental block and get into the Spirit World.

Apparently Zaheer helped her get past it all and get into the Spirit World, which is surprising given I took his Bending.

And it seemed to work. Korra is now back to her old Avatar self.

Well, as much as she can be given what happened.

She was able to save Jinora and other's after getting back into the Spirit World.

We're now in a meeting with Raiko and the other's right now.

Raiko: The boarders are secure and troops are guarding the rail lines into the city. So, what have you two geniuses come out with to fend off Kuvira?

Varrick: It's a flying mecha-suit!

Asami shows Raiko the designs of the suit's.

Varrick: Asami got the idea from watching dragonfly-hummingbirds. You can take off straight up, fly in any direction.

Raiko: Where does the spirit ray come out?

Varrick: It doesn't have one. I'll tell you what I told Kuvira, that technology should not be used.

He stands up.

Raiko: It's already being used by Kuvira! I need Spirit Vine weapons and I need them now!

Y/N: That's not happening. It's too dangerous.

Korra: Y/N's right. It was Kuvira's harvesting of the vines in the swamp that caused the Republic City vine's to go crazy and grab those people.

Raiko: You're supposed to be the bridge between the two worlds. Why can't you harvest the vine's?

Korra: I won't do that, but maybe since the Spirit's love Republic City so much, I can convince them to help us defend it somehow.

Raiko nods in agreement.

Y/N: And I can help her with that. I can be very persuasive.

Korra smiles.

Korra: He really can.

Wu: Okay, maybe while the weapon geniuses, the Spirit bridge and the Air Master are getting ready for battle, we should be evacuating the ordinary citizens so that if Kuvira attacks, they won't be hurt.

Raiko: That's actually a good idea. Prince Wu, you work with the police to coordinate getting people out of the city. Now everyone get to it. I want daily updates.

We bow to him before leaving.

Korra and I walk down the hall together.

Korra: Thanks for agreeing to help me.

Y/N: No problem. Given what's going on right now, I figure you'll need help talking with the Spirit's. They're bound to be pissed about what's going on.

Korra: You're right about that, but you still have your "I'm worried" look on your face. What's up?

Y/N: I just feel like this plan to get help from the Spirit's might be a bit a long-shot.

Korra: I get that, but we don't have alot of options right now. Like you once said, "we gotta do whatever it takes."

I smirk.

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