Chapter 78: Confronting President Raiko

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

Today Korra, dad, Tahn and I will be going into the Spirit World to check on things.

We'll be taking other Airbender's with us for back-up.

Tahn and I walk out of the temple.

Tahn: So, how's wedding planning going?

Y/N: Pretty good. Though it's probably gonna slow down giving what we're doing. Oh, actually I have something to ask me.

Tahn: Okay, what is it?

Y/N: Well, I was hoping you'd be my best man on my wedding day.

He stops and looks at me.

Tahn: Wait, seriously?

Y/N: Yeah. I want you by my side when I get married.

He smiles.

Tahn: Yeah, of course. I'd be honoured.

He and I hug.

After that we go to join the others and get onto Oogi.

(Ten minutes later)

Dad flies Oogi towards the Spirit World and he flies goes through it.

Once we're in the Spirit World we see that the beautiful field Korra and I were in is ruined.

Korra gasps.

Korra: Oh, no.

Meelo: What a Spirity letdown! Thanks for waking me up for nothing, Ikki!

Oogi lands down in the field and we drop down off Oogl.

Korra, dad and I walk off and look around.

Y/N: I can't believe this happened.

Korra: I don't understand. When Y/N and I, the flowers were all blooming. There were Spirit's everywhere and now...

Tenzin: They're gone.

Dad steps forward.

Tenzin: I'm so sorry, you two. I know this place is special to both of you.

Korra tears up.

Korra: It really was.

I pull her into a hug.

Y/N: Hey, hey.

I gently rub her back as we hug.

Y/N: It's okay, baby. I'm sure it'll grow back and it'll look just as beautiful as it did when we first came here.

She nods.

Korra: I hope so.

She wipes away her tears.

Korra: I'm sorry for getting upset.

Tenzin: It's okay, Korra. You don't need to apologise.

After that we go over to Jinora and Kai.

Kai: How did this happen? Who's powerful enough to do this to thr Spirit World?

Jinora: Only the Spirit's are.

Kai: But it doesn't make sense. Why would they destroy their own environment?

Y/N: To protect themselves. It's obviously a warning.

Korra: I think the Spirit's are trying to tell us they don't want humans to step foot in their realm ever again.

We look over to see Ikki touching a plant.

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