Chapter 62: Saving Prince Wu

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(Republic City)

Y/N's P.O.V 

So, right now I'm on my way to have lunch. 

Both Korra and I are going to meet with Asami and Mako for lunch. 

We walk in and see Asami sat there.

Y/N: Hey, Asami.

Korra: I hope you haven't been waiting long.

Asami stands up.

Asami: Only three years.

The two hug and pull away.

Asami: It's so good to see you again.

Korra: You too.

Asami: And I'm loving the hair.

Korra: Thanks. You're looking snazzy as always.

Asami: Come on, guys. Mako got us a table at the restaurant.

We walk in to see Mako waiting for us.

He looks over to see us.

Mako: Korra!

Korra: Hi, Mako.

The two hug.

As Korra and Mako talk Asami looks at me.

Asami: Did you tell Korra about, you know...?

Y/N: Uh, no. Not yet. I thought it'd be better if she heard it from you. That's if you want to tell her.

Asami: No, you're right. I'll tell her.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Asami: Yeah. And don't worry, I won't make you out as the bad guy.

Y/N: I know.

Just then Prince Wu shows up.

Wu: Hello there, Prince Wu, rightful heir to the throne and this guy's boss. I bet he's told you alot about me.

Korra: Nope, not a thing.

Wu: Then we have so much to talk about.

All of us sit at the table and start catching up.

Asami: So, can you go into the Avatar State again? I was worried when you told me you couldn't.

Mako: Wait, when did she tell you she couldn't?

Korra and Asami look down.

I know she's talking about the letters.

Mako: What's going on with you two?

Korra: I wrote to Asami while I was away. I asked her not to tell anyone except Y/N. I'm sorry.

He looks at me.

Mako: You knew about this too?

Y/N: Yeah.

Korra: Don't blame him though. I told Asami to only tell Y/N.

Mako: Why didn't you ever write to me or Bolin?

Korra: I don't know. I guess I didn't know what to say.

Mako: A "hello" would've been nice.

After that Prine Wu gets up and leaves to go to the bathroom.

Mako: First Y/N and Asami sleep together and keep it from me, now Korra doesn't write to me. Real nice, guys.

Asami and I look at him.

His eyes widen when he realised what he said.

Mako: Oh, shit. You didn't tell her yet, did you?

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