Chapter 18: The United Forces Attack

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three days since we lost Air Temple Island and since then we've been living underground to stay hidden from the Equalist's.

Korra and I have been undercover as Equalist's so we can still know what's going on in the city.

We are now back in the sewers after hearing Sato's speech to the Equalist forces.

She and I take off our masks.

Korra: Can you believe Hiroshi? "The Avatar's on the run." I'm not running from anyone.

She looks at me.

Korra: I say you and I go back up there and knock some heads. They'll never know what hit 'em.

Y/N: Relax. Iroh is coming with an entire fleet of battleships. Then Amon will be the one running.

She sighs.

Korra: I hate this "being patient" stuff.

Y/N: Me too.

We turn back and keep walking.

Korra: So, do you know General Iroh well?

Y/N: Yeah, I do. I met him when I was a kid. He always looked out for me.

Korra: Like an older brother?

Y/N: Yeah, exactly.

She and I head back to our new home underground.

(Ten minutes later)

We make it back and see Mako, Asami and Bolin waiting for us.

They come over.

Asami: You two were gone a while.

Y/N: We would've been back sooner, but so many of 'em up there.

Mako: Are you two okay?

Korra: Yeah, we're fine.

After that Korra, Asami and Bolin walk off leaving Mako and I.

Y/N: Hey, man, so how's it going with Asami? You guys doing okay?

Mako: Yeah, we're good, well as good as we can be given the circumstances.

Y/N: That's great, Mako.

Mako: Thanks. So, what's going on with you and Korra? You tell her how you feel yet?

I sigh.

Y/N: Nah, not yet. We've got enough problems right now. My love life isn't one of them.

I look down.

Mako: You okay?

I look back to him.

Y/N: When I found out Korra was missing... I felt like I lost apart of myself. I was so scared I'd never see her again.

Mako: Yeah, I noticed that.

Y/N: I just don't wanna risk losing her when she goes up against Amon.

Mako: Maybe she'll be better off if you go with her to face Amon.

I nod.

Y/N: Maybe.

After that he and I go and join the other's.

(Three hours later)

Right now everyone is asleep, but I can't sleep.

I get up to and I see Korra laying against Naga wide awake.

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