Chapter 73: Visiting Tonraq & Senna

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and immediately hear the waterfall.

Korra and I are wrapped up in the blanket.

She is currently asleep with her head on my chest. We did alot of celebrating last night.

Just then Korra wakes up and lifts her head up.

Y/N: Morning, beautiful.

She smiles.

Korra: Morning, baby.

Korra puts her head on my shoulder and cuddles up to me.

Korra: Last night was amazing. I still can't believe we're engaged.

I smile.

Y/N: Me too.

She looks up and we kiss.

Y/N: So, what do you think we should do today?

Korra: Well, I have an idea.

Y/N: Oh, yeah?

She nods.

Korra: Yeah. I think we should go to visit my parents and tell them about it.

Y/N: Yeah, okay. Let's do it.

I wrap my arms around her.

Y/N: But let's just stay here for a bit longer. I just wanna hold you right now.

She smiles.

Korra: Okay, baby.

She lays her head back on my chest.

Y/N: I love you, Korra.

Korra: I love you too, Y/N.

All I want to do is lay here with Korra for as long as possible.

(Thirty minutes later)

Korra and I are now getting ready to head to the South Pole.

We're all packed up and ready to go.

Y/N: Okay, have we got everything?

Korra: Yep, I think so.

Y/N: Alright. Let's go.

Just then we see our Dragon-Bird friend comes in and lands down.

Korra: And our ride is here.

Y/N: Looks like it. Good to see you, old friend. Thanks for coming back.

Korra: How does he know we needed a pick-up?

We go over to the Dragon-Bird.

Y/N: I don't know. I guess he felt it through our connection. I mean both of us have a strong connection to the Spirit's.

Korra: Good point.

She and I climb onto him.

Y/N: Okay, buddy. We need you to take us to the Southern Spirit Portal.

Dragon-Bird: (Growls!)

The Dragon-Bird flies in the direction of the Southern portal.

(Fifteen minutes later)

We've now made it to the portal.

Our Dragon-Bird friend lands down and we get down.

I stroke him.

Y/N: Thanks for everything, buddy.

Dragon-Bird: (Growls.)

After that he flies away.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now