Chapter 16: Republic City Under Siege

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(Two days later)

Korra's P.O.V

I open my eyes and my vision is blurry.

When my vision clears I see that I'm in my room on Air Temple Island.

I slowly sit up feel someone's holding my hand. I then look to my left to see Y/N asleep in the chair next to my bed.

He must have fallen asleep while watching over me. He's actually really cute when he's asleep.

Then again, he's always been cute.

I gently move my hand away and wrap my arms around him to hug him.

I then gently kiss his head.

Korra: (Whispers) Thank you, Y/N. I...

No, I can't tell him yet. He needs to hear it.

I just sit there in silence and hold him.

(One hour later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So after Korra woke up she and I went to the dining room where she was greeted by everyone.

We're all around the table and Korra is eating more than any of us, which is no surprise.

Korra: The food tastes amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.

Pema: We're so thankful you're home safe.

Mum and Asami clear the table.

Tenzin: Korra, I realise you've been through alot, but I need to know everything that happened.

Korra: Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son.

Yakone. I know that name.

He was a Bloodbender and a crime boss here in Republic City.

That was before he was taken down by Avatar Aang and Chief Tohp Beifong.

Lin: Of course, it all makes sense now.

Y/N: That explains how Tarrlok was able to Bloodbend us without a full moon.

Tenzin: But how did you escape? And where's Tarrlok now?

Korra: Amon captured him and took his Bending.

Tenzin: What?

Korra: Yeah. He showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me too.

Tenzin: This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a Councilman, almost capturing the Avatar. I fear Amon is entering his end game.

I look at dad.

Y/N: Dad, we gotta stop him. We gotta do whatever it takes.

Tenzin: I agree. But first I must attend this Council meeting back at City Hall.

After that both dad and Lin leave the room.

(Thirty minutes later)

The rest of us are still on Air Temple Island, then out of nowhere we hear explosions coming from nearby.

Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami and I run outside to join Beifong.

My siblings run inside as we come out.

Korra: We heard explosions. What's going on?

Lin: Republic City's under attack.

Y/N: I guess we now know what Amon's end game is.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now