Chapter 12: Mecha-Tanks

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Y/N's P.O.V

Korra, dad, Beifong and I spent the whole day searching through Future Industries Facilities and found nothing.

As we're getting ready to leave I feel someone slip something into my hand.

I look around and don't see anyone near me.

Y/N: (Whispers) What the hell? 

I open the piece of paper and read it. I then turn to Korra, Tenzin and Beifong.

Y/N: Hey, guys. I think you should hear this. "If you want to find the truth, meet me under the North end of the Silk Road bridge at midnight."

Lin: We should go. This might be just what we need.

Tenzin: I agree.

(Three hours later)

We're now under the Silk Road bridge and we walk to the North end.

???: Psst. Over here.

We look to the right and see a man standing there.

???: Listen, I joined the Equalist's because I believed in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us Non-Bender's. But I didn't sign up for this war.

Lin: What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?

???: He manufactured those gloves for the Equalist's.

Korra: I knew it.

???: And there are rumours he's working on somethin' even bigger. Some new kind of weapon.

Y/N: But we searched all of Future Industries and found nothing.

???: That's because he's got a secret factory.

Korra: Where?

???: It's right underneath the Sato Mansion.

After learning this we go to Sato Mansion to find this factory.

(Thirty minutes later)

We make it to the Sato Estate and burst into the house.

Asami tells us that Sato is in his workshop.

After that we go to the workshop at the back of the house.

We go in and no-one is here.

Asami: Dad? Hello?

Officer: Chief, the Estate's been secured. No-one has left the workshop since we arrived.

Lin: Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving.

Beifong goes to the middle of the room and stomps down on the floor.

Lin: There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, it leads into the mountain side.

Asami: What? There's no tunnel.

Beifong uses her Metalbending to reveal a secret passage way.

We look inside and see a platform on a set of tracks.

After that all of us aside from Mako, Bolin and Asami go into the tunnel.

The platform moves.

It then stops and we go across the walkway.

We go into the factory and see Equalist's banners

Y/N: This isn't your average backyard workshop.

The walls are lined with robotic suits.

Korra: And I'm guessing those are the new weapons.

Tenzin: Hiroshi was lying, alright. But where is he?

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