Chapter 56: Meeting With Asami & Mako

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(174 AG. Y/N's age: 22)

(Republic City)

Third person perspective

In Republic City Tenzin and his family come off a boat from Air Temple Island.

They're in the city to see the opening of the new Central Terminal.

He is met by Chief Beifong.

Lin: Ah, Tenzin. You made it.

Tenzin: Of course. I wasn't going to miss this opening.

Lin: Where's Y/N? I thought he'd be here too.

Tenzin: He and Tahn are on their way back now. They should be here soon.

Lin: How long have he and Tahn been gone for?

Tenzin: Almost a month.

Lin: Do you think he'll make it to the opening on time?

Tenzin: I'm not sure. That boy was born late. It turns out his brother is the same way.

Y/N's P.O.V

So, right now Tahn and I are on our way back to Republic City.

I run my hand through my longer hair as the wind blows through it. I then run my hand down into my stubble.

I decided to grow out my facial har

(A/N: With the length of his hair it's similar to Anakin's hair in RoTS.)

I look back to see Tahn looking out at the open water.

Y/N: Hey, bro. You good?

He looks at me.

Tahn: Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm okay. I've just thinking.

Y/N: About what?

Tahn: Just how much my life has changed in the past two years.

So alot has changed over the past three years.

A year after the defeat of the Red Lotus, Tahn has really changed his ways.

Just like I thought he could.

He and I are actually brothers now.

I got him out of jail to help dad and I with a Red Lotus cell. He was really helpful.

In return Lin agreed to let him out and work off the rest of his sentence as apart of the Air Nation, helping people.

It took a bit of time for some people to trust him, bit now everyone pretty much does.

(A/N: So, I know some of you aren't gonna like that I skipped Tahn's redemption, but I thought it'd be better this way. I'm sorry for those who don't like that.)

Y/N: Oh, yeah?

Tahn: Yeah. And I realise my life is much better now. And I remember what you told me when you first let me out of my cell. You said I could have a better life, if I wanted it.

Y/N: I did.

Tahn: And now I finally feel like I deserve it.

Y/N: You do. You've done alot of great work and helped alot of people, Tahn. I'm happy for you.

Tahn: Thanks.

I look ahead and see Republic City.

Y/N: Look at that. We're back home.

Tahn: Oh, good. It'll be nice to sleep in my bed again.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Come on, Lucky. Final stretch.

Lucky flies faster and towards Republic City.

(One hour later)

So, Asami's opening has just finished and the Central Terminal is open.

Asami, Mako and I are together.

We've just been talking to Prince Wu.

Mako: He's a real charmer, huh?

Y/N: I'd call him a dumbass, but sure. Charming works too.

Asami laughs.

Asami: He's got a point, Mako. He's... something though. How can you stand being his bodyguard?

Mako: Well, I just remind myself that once he's on the throne, I go back to being a Detective.

Asami: And that works?

Mako: I also go home and slam my head into the wall for an hour, just to get the stress out.

The three of us laugh.

Asami: It's good to see both of you again. It's been too long.

Y/N: Yeah, it has. We've all been so busy.

Asami: That's true. Have either of you heard from Bolin lately?

Mako: I haven't talked to him for awhile, but he's coming in a few days for the Coronation. And Beifong talk me that Korra is getting in tonight.

Y/N: Yeah, she told me that too.

Asami: I can't wait to see her. It's gonna be weird having the old Team Avatar back in the city after all these years.

Y/N: Yep. It feels like yesterday we were here all together fighting Equalist's.

Mako looks at me.

Mako: So, are you gonna be there tonight, when Korra gets in?

I sigh.

Y/N: I haven't decided yet.

Asami looks at me.

Asami: Y/N, I know you haven't seen or spoken to her since you two split, but I'm sure she'll be happy to see you.

Y/N: Maybe. Look, I'll think about it. I got get back to the Air Temple. I'll see you guys later.

I leave and take a walk back to the Air Temple.

It's hard thinking about Korra since we split. I do miss her, but it'll be hard to see her.

Just then I hear Asami call out.

Asami: Hey, Y/N! Wait!

I turn back.

Y/N: What's up, Asami?

Asami: I just wanna talk. If you do come tonight to see Korra are gonna tell her about... you know...

I sigh.

Y/N: I don't know. I hadn't thought about it. Are you? I mean I know she's your best friend, so...

Asami: I think we should tell her, but it's your call.

Y/N: Look, if you want to tell her, you can. I'll be okay. I'm a big boy, Asami.

Asami: Okay, I just wanted us to be on the same page about all that before Korra got here.

She sighs.

Asami: Well, I better get back to work. I'll see you tonight?

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess so.

Asami: Okay, bye.

She kisses me on the cheek, then leaves.

I don't know how Korra will handle it if Asami tells her what happened.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now