Chapter 49: An Inn Visit

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

A couple of days ago we found out that Aiwai is the one who Zaheer and his crew into Zaofu.

Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami and I are on his tail. Along with Wolf, Lucky and Naga.  

We make it to a run-down town.

Lucky lands down.

Korra: Aiwai's definitely been through here. Good tracking, girl.

Mako: Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him.

Y/N: Good idea. There's a tavern there, let's check it out.

We all go inside the tavern and see posters of ourselves on the wall.

Y/N: Ah, shit.

Mako: Those are wanted posters.

Y/N: And there's one for each of us. "Wanted by her Majesty, the Earth Queen for crimes against the Kingdom."

Mako: I'm guessing this because we saved her Airbender's.

Korra: They weren't hers to keep! I swear if I ever see her pinchy little Queen face again, I'm gonna...!

Asami: Uh, guys.

We look around and see everyone staring at us.

Asami: We should get out of here.

Y/N: Alright, let's just back out slowly.

We slowly back out of the tavern.

After that we continue tracking Aiwai.

(Two hours later)

We eventually find Aiwai's jeep hidden behind some rocks.

Naga bumps Korra.

Korra: Sorry. I forgot to bring treats. But good girl.

Naga turns and hits Korra in the face with her tail.

She groans.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Don't worry, I got something.

I pull out a treat.

Y/N: Hey, Naga. What's this?

She sees the treat and perks up.

Y/N: Hey, you know the rules. Sit.

She sits down and wags her tail.

Y/N: Good girl.

I throw the teat to her and she catches it in her mouth.

I look off in the distance and see the Misty Palms Oasis.

Y/N: Hey, guys, take a look at this.

Mako: The Misty Palms Oasis. Bolin and I will investigate to see if he's hold up there.

Bolin: Yes, I love it when you talk like a cop.

Y/N: I'll come too.

Mako: No, you should stay put. That tattoo doesn't exactly help you blend in. You could attract unwanted attention.

Y/N: Fair point.

After getting some disguises, Mako and Bolin go to the Misty Palms Oasis.

(Three hours later)

So, we learnt from Mako and Bolin that Aiwai is held up in the Misty Palms Inn.

All of us are currently crammed into one room and we're in the room across from Aiwai.

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